‘World Situation Room’ visualiseert wereldwijde impact coronavirus
4 Tips to help maximize the value of your data
5 Guidelines that keep your business' analytics app working optimally
5 mistakes to watch out for when using data analytics in marketing
5 requirements for modern financial reporting
6 Questions to ask yourself when conducting market research
6 Ways to improve the intelligence of your business
7 Personality assets required to be successful in data and tech
A brief guide for those who consider a career in market intelligence
Aligning your business with your data team
An overview of the Chief Data Officer role, past and present
Approaching the Transformation phase in ELT processes
Building a base for successful AI with your data strategy
Chinachem: successful use of SAP software in the Hong Kong property market
Context is key for organizations making data-driven decisions
Data alone is not enough, storytelling matters - part 1
Data alone is not enough, storytelling matters - part 2
Data as a universal language
Data interpretation: what is it and how to get value out of it? Part 1
Data interpretation: what is it and how to get value out of it? Part 2
Data management: building the bridge between IT and business
Data storytelling: 5 best practices
DataOps and the path from raw to analytics-ready data
De data transformatie van de grootste bierbrouwer ter wereld in beeld
Determining the feature set complexity
Distinguishing between advanced analytics and business intelligence
Doing market research using data? Don't forget to engage with your customers
Down to Business: Seven tips for better market intelligence
Drawing value from data in manufacturing companies
Ethical Intelligence: can businesses take the responsibilty?
ETL or ELT? Five arguments in favor of ETL
Facebook to face lawsuit regarding 'worst security breach ever'
Five challenges to overcome in order to improve sales productivity
Four Drivers of Successful Business Intelligence
Gaining advantages with the IoT through 'Thing Management'
Getting the most out of your data with analytics: three best practices
Getting Your Machine Learning Model To Production: Why Does It Take So Long?
Healthcare analytics and the opportunities to improve patient care
How AI reinforces stereotypes through biased data
How business analytics can benefit your business strategically
How data can aid young homeless people
How organizations can control the carbon emissions caused by using the cloud
How SAS uses analytics to help with the covid-19 vaccination process
How to Communicate Challenging Insights from your Market Research
How your organization can establish a results-based data strategy
Human actions more important than ever with historically high volumes of data
Interpreting market data during the COVID-19 pandemic
Leveraging Product Life cycle Management with analytics
Microsoft takes next cybersecurity step
MicroStrategy: Take your business to the next level with machine learning
More and more organizations are basing their actions on their data
Moving business intelligence, data and insights forward with graph technology
Moving your projects to the cloud, but why?
Nederlanders vinden data in hun dagelijks werk essentiëler dan andere Europeanen
Only Half of Companies Actually Use the Competitive Intelligence They Collect
Organic food: a niche or the future standard?
Qlik: De gevolgen van te lage data vaardigheden
Recognizing the mismatch between your analytics platform and your business
Reusing data for ML? Hash your data before you create the train-test split
Rubrik is data resilience leider in nieuwste Forrester report
Seizing opportunities to be successful with enterprise BI
Selection bias: what is it and how to keep it out of your market research?
Solutions to help you deal with heterogeneous data sources
Stijging privacyklachten over persoonlijke data in de eerste helft van 2019
Straffen voor foutief gebruik van data nemen naar verwachting toe
Strengthening Analytics with Data Documentation
TDWI interview: the future of data and analytics
The (near) future of data storage
The 5 dimensions that help your business with a successful technological transformation
The 6 abilities of the perfect data scientist
The benefits of continuous market monitoring
The data management issue in the development of the self-driving car
The evolution of the Data Executive
The future of AI and the key of human interaction
The persuasive power of data and the importance of data integrity
The striking similarities between presenting analytics and telling jokes
The top 10 benefits of Business Intelligence reporting
The transformation of raw data into actionable insights in 5 steps
Toucan Toco introduceert realtime data-analyse voor franchiseformules
Using social media data to analyze market trends
Verschillende perspectieven om te kijken naar de transitie richting de cloud
Vijf manieren waarop business intelligence verandert in 2021
Welke aanpassingen vraagt een toekomst met 5G internet?
What exactly is a Data Fabric? Definitions and uses
What to expect from data decade 2020-2030?
Which types of analytics do business use?
Why BI reporting is superior to traditional reporting
Why flexibility is key to keep up with developments in BI software
Why it is key for leaders to infuse data and analytics into organizations
Why the right data input is key: A Machine Learning example
Why you need a data fabric next to an IT architecture to optimize BI