7 items tagged "CRM"

  • 5 Important elements to build the right CRM strategy

    5 Important elements to build the right CRM strategy

    The growth of customer relationship management (CRM) has become inevitable, compelling software development companies around the world to make the most out of it by putting customers first and driving a more customer-centric approach. The benefits of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) include storing relevant information about your prospects and customers to maintain effective communication, featuring a wide range of assorted tools for sales and marketing in order to increase profitability, to name a few. And that’s the reason why it is crucial to build your CRM strategy absolutely right.

    Reaching any destination becomes easy when it’s done with the help of a map, right? All you require knowing is where to start from and where to end things. Creating a CRM strategy is quite similar to this. Here you need to identify your baseline performance (the starting point) your SMART destination (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, and Time bound) user, customer and business outcomes, and designs. The only challenge is that you require achieving these measurable objectives in the shortest way. Strategizing things in prior is very important in order to try and win the CRM journey. Great execution is out of the question if your strategy is wrong! Also, the right CRM strategy is nothing but something tackled with a clarity of focus, reduced guesswork, and measurable execution.

    Below are 5 important elements to keep in mind when building a winning CRM strategy for your business.

    1.  Set business objectives

    One of the basic rules of building a CRM strategy is that it is always built keeping core business goals in mind. So before doing anything else, it is essential to analyze and identify the objectives you want your CRM to achieve. Whether you wish to improve your workforce efficiency, customer satisfaction, communication or you are trying to understand your customers better in general, with a better CRM strategy everything will start to fall in place. One of the best ways is to start is by breaking down your goals into smaller objectives, the ones which are easier to achieve. And then go with your plan of action. Know all the why, what and hows in prior. After this, you can begin your journey but be sure that the map you are using is flexible so that changes can be made easily whenever and wherever required.

    2.  Know your customers

    Many of us assume that businesses always end up treating their customers at an equal pace. However, in reality, this is not the case! To succeed as a business, one needs to delve into the details, categorize the customers based on values each one brings. Of course, each organization is of a kind and understands a different version of what makes a customer valuable. Whether you identify the main characteristics for a typical buyer or not that’s totally upon you.

    Once the vision is clear and objectives are set, it’s time to head further to initiate a strategy. By using the customer data, you can easily understand how they interact with your business and maximize value. Make sure to keep the down below mentioned pointers into account:

    • The type of data required on our customer
    • Level of detail required to track
    • Plan on characterizing customers
    • The type of communication will work best for our customer profile

    3.  Leverage your process wisely

    Clarity is a must-have factor to take into consideration. You can even think of breaking the objectives into small achievable chunks and connect that to how CRM fits to achieve the composite goal. Let’s dig in a bit deeper here!

    1. Evaluate: Whether you are planning to implement a strategy for sales, marketing or even customer service make sure you understand your current procedures and review how CRM and automation both can be used to enhance the overall efficiency of your business.
    2. Identify: As I said before, the keyword is “efficiency”; so make sure you focus well on several aspects of your businesses. In comparison to evaluation, identifying is a bit granular, and it requires defining both where and how your venture needs to be enhanced.
    3. Align: In most cases, businesses are found struggling in some department or the other. Initially, you may feel pressured as in an effort to produce better results you may require implementing new procedures and technologies as quickly as possible which is definitely not an easy task.

    However, this isn’t always the case. Making too many changes at once can also have a negative impact on your employee’s productivity and usage. This is the reason why you should considering a simple approach and implementing a CRM strategy gradually.

    4.  Break down organizational silos

    Once you begin collecting customer data, it becomes vital to come up with a culture of collaboration to enhance customer service. By breaking these organizational silos down, you can solve several issues. Now, do you really think marketing, sales and customer service departments can automatically be on the same page? Not necessarily. And organizations as a whole require to be working at cross-purposes. As soon as you start promoting cross-department collaboration, you will find yourself capable enough to deliver better than the best. Data collected by one department can also be fed to another department to improve overall business operations.

    5.  Kickstart communication channels

    One of the main objectives of having an effective CRM strategy is to increase the effectiveness of all your support channels. Doing so makes it easy for your end customers to reach out to support in the case if they encounter any problem. A good idea is to implement a live chat option on your website so that customers can get instant solutions for their queries. Live chat not only enhances the customer support experience but also helps boost conversions. Similarly, you can also consider using social media channels to solve customers’ problems.

    Author: Kibo Hutchinson

    Source: SAP

  • Big Data nog weinig ingezet voor real-time of voorspellingen

    Big DataDatagedreven opereren? Bij de meeste bedrijven zijn de datatoepassingen nog relatief simpel en vooral gericht op analyse in plaats van real-time en voorspellingen. Een gemiste kans én risico voor de lange-termijnkoers van een organisatie.

    Nu al zegt 22 procent van de bedrijven achter te lopen op de concurrentie terwijl ruim 81 procent van de respondenten aangeeft dat de mogelijkheden van Big Data voor de eigen organisatie groot zijn.

    Dat blijkt uit de Big Data Survey 2015 van data-consultancybureau GoDataDriven en vakbeurs Big Data Expo. Bijna 200 bedrijven werden onderzocht om inzicht te geven in de actuele rol van big data, de mate van adoptie, intenties en mogelijke valkuilen.

    Data uit voor de hand liggende bronnen
    Wat blijkt? De data die gebruikt wordt is over het algemeen numeriek en komt vaak uit voor de hand liggende bronnen, zoals CRM en klantendatabase (18 procent), websitestatistieken (18 procent), externe bronnen (14 procent) en marketingdata vanuit e-mailstatistieken (14 procent) en transactionele data (13 procent). Toepassingen met data uit rijkere bronnen zoals tekst, beeld en geluid zijn er nog zeer weinig, terwijl hier grote winst te behalen is.


    Meer budget voor datagedreven toepassingen
    De meeste bedrijven maken komend jaar meer budget vrij voor datagedreven toepassingen en zijn van plan te investeren in de kennisontwikkeling binnen het team. Een klein deel van de bedrijven is momenteel al bezig met het toepassen van kunstmatige intelligentie, machine learning, voorspellende modellen en deep learning.

    Maar dat verandert in hoog tempo. Binnen drie jaar verwacht 50 procent van de respondenten de eerste toepassingen met geavanceerde technologie ontwikkeld te hebben.

    Visie het belangrijkst voor succesvolle implementatie
    Wat de belangrijkste factoren zijn voor een succesvolle implementatie van een Big Data-strategie? Visie, aldus 28 procent van de ondervraagden, en ondersteuning vanuit de directie (19 procent). Maar ook ondersteunende systemen en processen (18 procent), budget (14 procent), talent (11 procent) en training (10 procent) spelen een belangrijke rol.


    Data als strategische pijler
    Tegelijkertijd geeft een opvallend groot deel van de ondervraagden aan dat het binnen het eigen bedrijf wel goed zit met de strategische rol van data. 37 procent vult in dat de bedrijfsdirectie data als een strategische pijler ziet, terwijl 27 procent het hier gedeeltelijk mee eens is. Bij bijna een kwart van de bedrijven (23 procent) is er binnen de bedrijfsdirectie op dit vlak juist een grote winst te halen.

    Ruim 67 procent van de bedrijven zegt dan ook dat de mogelijkheden van big data voor de eigen organisatie groot zijn. Nog eens 14,5 procent is het hier gedeeltelijk mee eens. Slechts 9 procent is het in meer of mindere mate oneens met deze stelling.

    Meer highlights:

    • Hadoop is het meest populaire dataplatform: 21 procent heeft een of andere Hadoop-implementatie (Hadoop, Horton, Cloudera).
    • Terwijl bij de licensed software SAP (8 procent), SPSS (7 procent) en SAS (6 procent) het beste scoren.
    • Datatoepassingen worden het vaakst gebruikt binnen marketing (19 procent).
    • Informatietechnologie is bij 13 procent een toepassing, terwijl fraudedetectie (6 procent) en riskmanagement (6 procent) ook regelmatig met behulp van data wordt uitgevoerd.
  • Deciphering the Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Today's Business Environment

    Deciphering the Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Today's Business Environment

    You probably interact with artificial intelligence (AI) on a daily basis and don’t even realize it.

    Many people still associate AI with science-fiction dystopias, but that characterization is waning as AI develops and becomes more commonplace in our daily lives. Today, artificial intelligence is a household name – and sometimes even a household presence (hi, Alexa!).

    While acceptance of AI in mainstream society is a new phenomenon, it is not a new concept. The modern field of AI came into existence in 1956, but it took decades of work to make significant progress toward developing an AI system and making it a technological reality.

    In business, artificial intelligence has a wide range of uses. In fact, most of us interact with AI in some form or another on a daily basis. From the mundane to the breathtaking, artificial intelligence is already disrupting virtually every business process in every industry. As AI technologies proliferate, they are becoming imperative to maintain a competitive edge.

    What is AI?

    Before examining how AI technologies are impacting the business world, it’s important to define the term. “Artificial intelligence” is a broad term that refers to any type of computer software that engages in humanlike activities – including learning, planning and problem-solving. Calling specific applications “artificial intelligence” is like calling a car a “vehicle” – it’s technically correct, but it doesn’t cover any of the specifics. To understand what type of AI is predominant in business, we have to dig deeper.

    Machine learning

    Machine learning is one of the most common types of AI in development for business purposes today. Machine learning is primarily used to process large amounts of data quickly. These types of AIs are algorithms that appear to “learn” over time.

    If you feed a machine-learning algorithm more data its modeling should improve. Machine learning is useful for putting vast troves of data – increasingly captured by connected devices and the Internet of Things – into a digestible context for humans.

    For example, if you manage a manufacturing plant, your machinery is likely hooked up to the network. Connected devices feed a constant stream of data about functionality, production and more to a central location. Unfortunately, it’s too much data for a human to ever sift through; and even if they could, they would likely miss most of the patterns. 

    Machine learning can rapidly analyze the data as it comes in, identifying patterns and anomalies. If a machine in the manufacturing plant is working at a reduced capacity, a machine-learning algorithm can catch it and notify decision-makers that it’s time to dispatch a preventive maintenance team.

    But machine learning is also a relatively broad category. The development of artificial neural networks – an interconnected web of artificial intelligence “nodes” – has given rise to what is known as deep learning.

    Deep learning

    Deep learning is an even more specific version of machine learning that relies on neural networks to engage in what is known as nonlinear reasoning. Deep learning is critical to performing more advanced functions – such as fraud detection. It can do this by analyzing a wide range of factors at once.

    For instance, for self-driving cars to work, several factors must be identified, analyzed and responded to simultaneously. Deep learning algorithms are used to help self-driving cars contextualize information picked up by their sensors, like the distance of other objects, the speed at which they are moving and a prediction of where they will be in 5-10 seconds. All this information is calculated at once to help a self-driving car make decisions like when to change lanes.

    Deep learning has a great deal of promise in business and is likely to be used more often. Older machine-learning algorithms tend to plateau in their capability once a certain amount of data has been captured, but deep learning models continue to improve their performance as more data is received. This makes deep learning models far more scalable and detailed; you could even say deep learning models are more independent.

    AI and business today

    Rather than serving as a replacement for human intelligence and ingenuity, artificial intelligence is generally seen as a supporting tool. Although AI currently has a difficult time completing commonsense tasks in the real world, it is adept at processing and analyzing troves of data much faster than a human brain could. Artificial intelligence software can then return with synthesized courses of action and present them to the human user. In this way, we can use AI to help game out pfossible consequences of each action and streamline the decision-making process.

    “Artificial intelligence is kind of the second coming of software,” said Amir Husain, founder and CEO of machine-learning company SparkCognition. “It’s a form of software that makes decisions on its own, that’s able to act even in situations not foreseen by the programmers. Artificial intelligence has a wider latitude of decision-making ability as opposed to traditional software.”

    Those traits make AI highly valuable throughout many industries – whether it’s simply helping visitors and staff make their way around a corporate campus efficiently, or performing a task as complex as monitoring a wind turbine to predict when it will need repairs.

    Common uses of AI

    Some of the most standard uses of AI are machine learning, cybersecurity, customer relationship management, internet searches and personal assistants.

    Machine learning

    Machine learning is used often in systems that capture vast amounts of data. For example, smart energy management systems collect data from sensors affixed to various assets. The troves of data are then contextualized by machine-learning algorithms and delivered to your company’s decision-makers to better understand energy usage and maintenance demands.


    Artificial intelligence is even an indispensable ally when it comes to looking for holes in computer network defenses, Husain said. Believe it or not, AI systems can recognize a cyberattack, as well as other cyberthreats, by monitoring patterns from data input. Once it detects a threat, it can backtrack through your data to find the source and help  to prevent a future threat. That extra set of eyes – one that is as diligent and continuous as AI – will serve as a great benefit in preserving your infrastructure.

    “You really can’t have enough cybersecurity experts to look at these problems, because of scale and increasing complexity,” Husain added. “Artificial intelligence is playing an increasing role here as well.”

    Customer relationship management

    Artificial intelligence is also changing customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Software programs like Salesforce and Zoho require heavy human intervention to remain current and accurate. But when you apply AI to these platforms, a normal CRM system transforms into a self-updating, auto-correcting system that stays on top of your relationship management for you.

    A great example of how AI can help with customer relationships is demonstrated in the financial sector. Dr. Hossein Rahnama, founder and CEO of AI concierge company Flybits and visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, worked with TD Bank to integrate AI with regular banking operations.

    “Using this technology, if you have a mortgage with the bank and it’s up for renewal in 90 days or less … if you’re walking by a branch, you get a personalized message inviting you to go to the branch and renew purchase,” Rahnama said. “If you’re looking at a property for sale and you spend more than 10 minutes there, it will send you a possible mortgage offer. Internet and data research

    Artificial intelligence uses a vast amount of data to identify patterns in people’s search behaviors and provide them with more relevant information regarding their circumstances. As people use their devices more, and as the AI technology becomes even more advanced, users will have a more customizable experience. This means the world for your small businesses, because you will have an easier time targeting a very specific audience.

    “We’re no longer expecting the user to constantly be on a search box Googling what they need,” Rahnama added. “The paradigm is shifting as to how the right information finds the right user at the right time.”

    Digital personal assistants

    Artificial intelligence isn’t just available to create a more customized experience for your customers. It can also transform the way your company operates from the inside. AI bots can be used as personal assistants to help manage your emails, maintain your calendar and even provide recommendations for streamlining processes.

    You can also program these AI assistants to answer questions for customers who call or chat online. These are all small tasks that make a huge difference by providing you extra time to focus on implementing strategies to grow the business.

    The future of AI

    How might artificial intelligence be used in the future? It’s hard to say how the technology will develop, but most experts see those “commonsense” tasks becoming even easier for computers to process. That means robots will become extremely useful in everyday life.

    “AI is starting to make what was once considered impossible possible, like driverless cars,” said Russell Glenister, CEO and founder of Curation Zone. “Driverless cars are only a reality because of access to training data and fast GPUs, which are both key enablers. To train driverless cars, an enormous amount of accurate data is required, and speed is key to undertake the training. Five years ago, the processors were too slow, but the introduction of GPUs made it all possible.”

    Glenister added that graphic processing units (GPUs) are only going to get faster, improving the applications of artificial intelligence software across the board.

    “Fast processes and lots of clean data are key to the success of AI,” he said.

    Dr. Nathan Wilson, co-founder and CTO of Nara Logics, said he sees AI on the cusp of revolutionizing familiar activities like dining. Wilson predicted that AI could be used by a restaurant to decide which music to play based on the interests of the guests in attendance. Artificial intelligence could even alter the appearance of the wallpaper based on what the technology anticipates the aesthetic preferences of the crowd might be.

    If that isn’t far out enough for you, Rahnama predicted that AI will take digital technology out of the two-dimensional, screen-imprisoned form to which people have grown accustomed. Instead, he foresees that the primary user interface will become the physical environment surrounding an individual.

    “We’ve always relied on a two-dimensional display to play a game or interact with a webpage or read an e-book,” Rahnama said. “What’s going to happen now with artificial intelligence and a combination of [the Internet of Things] is that the display won’t be the main interface – the environment will be. You’ll see people designing experiences around them, whether it’s in connected buildings or connected boardrooms. These will be 3D experiences you can actually feel.” 

    What does AI mean for the worker?

    With all these new AI uses comes the daunting question of whether machines will force humans out of work. The jury is still out: Some experts vehemently deny that AI will automate so many jobs that millions of people find themselves unemployed, while other experts see it as a pressing problem.

    “The structure of the workforce is changing, but I don’t think artificial intelligence is essentially replacing jobs,” Rahnama said. “It allows us to really create a knowledge-based economy and leverage that to create better automation for a better form of life. It might be a little bit theoretical, but I think if you have to worry about artificial intelligence and robots replacing our jobs, it’s probably algorithms replacing white-collar jobs such as business analysts, hedge fund managers and lawyers.”

    While there is still some debate on how, exactly, the rise of artificial intelligence will change the workforce, experts agree there are some trends we can expect to see.

    Will AI create jobs?

    Some experts believe that, as AI is integrated into the workforce, it will actually create more jobs – at least in the short term.

    Wilson said the shift toward AI-based systems will likely cause the economy to add jobs that facilitate the transition.

    “Artificial intelligence will create more wealth than it destroys,” he said, “but it will not be equitably distributed, especially at first. The changes will be subliminally felt and not overt. A tax accountant won’t one day receive a pink slip and meet the robot that is now going to sit at her desk. Rather, the next time the tax accountant applies for a job, it will be a bit harder to find one.”

    Wilson said he anticipates that AI in the workplace will fragment long-standing workflows, creating many human jobs to integrate those workflows.

    What about after the transition?

    First and foremost, this is a transition that will take years – if not decades – across different sectors of the workforce. So, these projections are harder to identify, but some other experts like Husain are worried that once AI becomes ubiquitous, those additional jobs (and the ones that had already existed) may start to dwindle.

    Because of this, Husain said he wonders where those workers will go in the long term. “In the past, there were opportunities to move from farming to manufacturing to services. Now, that’s not the case. Why? Industry has been completely robotized, and we see that automation makes more sense economically.”

    Husain pointed to self-driving trucks and AI concierges like Siri and Cortana as examples, stating that as these technologies improve, widespread use could eliminate as many as 8 million jobs in the U.S. alone.

    “When all these jobs start going away, we need to ask, ‘What is it that makes us productive? What does productivity mean?'” he added. “Now we’re confronting the changing reality and questioning society’s underlying assumptions. We must really think about this and decide what makes us productive and what is the value of people in society. We need to have this debate and have it quickly, because the technology won’t wait for us.”

    A shift to more specialized skills

    As AI becomes a more integrated part of the workforce, it’s unlikely that all human jobs will disappear. Instead, many experts have begun to predict that the workforce will become more specialized. These roles will require a higher amount of that which automation can’t (yet) provide – like creativity, problem-solving and qualitative skills.

    Essentially, there is likely to always be a need for people in the workforce, but their roles may shift as technology becomes more advanced. The demand for specific skills will shift, and many of these jobs will require a more advanced, technical skill set.

    AI is the future

    Whether rosy or rocky, the future is coming quickly, and artificial intelligence will certainly be a part of it. As this technology develops, the world will see new startups, numerous business applications and consumer uses, the displacement of certain jobs and the creation of entirely new ones. Along with the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence has the potential to dramatically remake the economy, but its exact impact remains to be seen.

    Date: April 18, 2024

    Author: Adam Uzialko

    Source: Business News Daily

  • Forrester’s Top Trends For Customer Service In 2016

    It’s a no-brainer that good customer service experiences boost satisfaction, loyalty, and can influence top line revenue. Good service — whether it’s to answer a customer’s question prior to purchase, or help a customer resolve an issue post-purchase should be easy, effective, and strive to create an emotional bond between the customer and the company. Here are 5 top trends – out of a total of 10 – that I am keeping my eye on. A full report highlighting all trends can be found here:

    Trend 1: Companies Will Make Self Service Easier. In 2015, we found that web and mobile self-service interactions exceeded interactions over live-assist channels, which are increasingly used by customers as escalation paths to answer harder questions whose answers they can’t find online. In 2016, customer service organizations will make self-service easier for customers to use by shoring up its foundations and solidifying their knowledge-management strategy. They will start to explore virtual agents and communities to extend the reach of curated content. They will start embedding knowledge into devices — like Xerox does with its printers — or delivering it via wearables to a remote service technician.

    Trend 2: Field Service Will Empower Customers To Control Their Time. 73% of consumers say that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do to provide them with good service — whether on a call, in a chat, or while waiting for a service technician to troubleshoot and fix their product. In 2016, customer service organizations will better support customer journeys that start with an agent-assisted service interaction and end with a service call. They will explore lighter-weight field service management capabilities, which give customers self-service appointment management capabilities and allow agents to efficiently dispatch technicians and optimize their schedules.

    Trend 3: Prescriptive Advice Will Power Offers, Decisions, And Connections. Decisioning — automatically deciding a customer’s or system’s next action — is starting to be heavily leveraged in customer service. In 2016, organizations will use analytics in a much more prescriptive manner – for example to prescribe the right set of steps for customers or agents to more effectively service customers; to correlate online behavior with requests for service and prescribe changes to agent schedules and forecasts. Analytics will be used to better route a customer to an agent who can most effectively answer a question based on skills and behavior data, or to better understand customer call patterns and preempt future calls.

    Trend 4: Insights From Connected Devices Will Trigger Preemptive Service and Turn Companies Into Services-Based Ones. Companies use support automation to preemptively diagnose and fix issues for connected devices. For example, Tesla Motors pushes software patches to connected cars. Nintendo monitors devices to understand customer actions right before the point of failure. In 2016, the Internet of Things (IoT) will continue to transform companies from being products-based to services-based . Examples abound where companies are starting to monitor the state of equipment via IoT, and realizing new streams of revenue because of their customer-centric focus. To make the business model of IoT work, companies must keep a close eye on emerging interoperability standards: device-to-network connectivity, data messaging formats that work under constrained network conditions, and data models to aggregate, connect with contact center solutions, and act on the data via triggers, alerts to service personnel or automated actions.

    Trend 5: The Customer Service Technology Ecosystem Will Consolidate. The customer service process involves complex software that falls into three main categories: queuing and routing technologies, customer relationship management (CRM) customer service technologies, and workforce optimization technologies. You need to use solutions from each of these three software categories, which you must integrate to deliver quality customer service. We believe that the combination of: 1) mature software categories in which vendors are struggling with growth opportunities; 2) the rise of robust software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions in each category; 3) rising buyer frustration; and 4) the increasing importance of delivering simpler and smarter customer service makes for ripe conditions for further consolidation to happen in the marketplace, This consolidation will make it easier for buyers to support the end-to-end customer service experience with a single set of vendor solutions.

    Source: customer think

  • IDC Predicts CMOs Will Drive $32.3B In Marketing Technology Spending By 2018

    CMOs will drive marketing technology spending to $32.3B by 2018, reaching a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.4%. From 2014 to 2018, marketing technology spending will reach $130B for the 5 year period.

    These and other insights are from IDC’s recent webinar The Marketing Software Revolution: Strategies for Buyers and Sellers, presented by Mary Wardley, Vice President, Enterprise Applications and CRM and Gerry Murray, Research Manager, CMO Advisory Service .

    IDC is seeing CMOs influence spending in areas outside the traditional definition of CRM, and has created the 2015 Marketing Technology Map to track these new categories. The additional areas of marketing spending IDC is including in their forecast taxonomy are content, data and analytics, and managementand administration. One of the most valuable insights gained from this webinar was seeing how IDC is seeing CMOs redefine the direction of marketing spending based on client inquiry calls and their analysis of the CRM market.
    The following are the key take-aways from the webinar:

    · IDC forecasts spending on CRM applications will reach $31.7B in 2018, attaining a CAGR of 6.9%. The following graphic illustrates forecast spending by contact center, customer service, marketing automation and sales automation



    IDC’s 2015 Marketing Technology Map is designed to capture CMOs’ total impact on marketing technology spending. The green area of the 2015 Marketing Technology Map titled Interaction is what represents traditional CRM functionality today. IDC’s inclusion of content, data and analytics and management and administration reflects how the role of the Chief Marketing Technologist continues to accelerate in all businesses.


    unnamed 5


    Marketing technology spending will increase from $20.2 billion in 2014 to $32.4 billion in 2018 based on the the 2015 Marketing Technology Map.The following graphic provides forecasts for interaction systems (traditional CRM), Content, Data and Analytics and Management and Administration.


    90% of the growth in the IT industry will come from cloud-based solutions. Cloud platforms, creative services and IT services are emerging as a combined catalyst enabling Marketing-as-a-Service (MaaS), which IDC is seeing growing rapidly from a client planning and spending perspective.


  • Taming the big data beast: the importance of CRM

    Today, businesses have had yet another function added to their portfolio – they are managers of a large amount of data and information.CRM

    Big data has become a massive phenomenon created from the sheer amount of information captured from online and offline resources. The organic growth in data that is generated by a business is seen as essential for improved organisational efficiency as it delivers the intelligence businesses need to make better decisions from top-line strategy down to customer-facing employees.

    However, for businesses it can be viewed as an unwieldy beast, which requires lots of investment and maintenance. The overwhelming volume of data that businesses collect is not necessarily practical to use or understand. In addition, in order to get value out of data, algorithms and predictive models need to be applied to solve specific business problems.

    This conversation has turned into a debate about the data's actual relevance and its capacity to provide answers.

    How to tame the beast?

    Businesses need to find a way to analyse data to gain useful information that can help them realise their commercial goals. In order to do this, businesses need to break down their big data into bite-sized chunks. This will make data easier to analyse and in turn create useful insights to help improve business strategy, leading to an overall increased efficiency.

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools are a good example to showcase how data collection, discovery and visualisation work in practice, and have a real impact on the most critical part of the business process – customers.

    The most important relationship any business has is with its customers. CRM provides the analytical tools that can synthesise customer information gathered across channels and platforms, turning it into insights that can be translated into business actions, practices and processes. Armed with the proper information, all customer-facing employees can ensure quality customer service, driving tangible and measurable business results.

    The tailored approach

    By making CRM tools available to all customer-facing employees, businesses can better understand their customer base and provide personalised customer service. Therefore, they can make data work for them instead of the other way round. This is important for customer retention as businesses can track and have access to a single view of the customer including previous interactions with the company.

    Personalisation in all conversations with customers improves loyalty as people buy from people. Individualisation and the personal touch differentiate companies from their competitors. 71% of consumers who experience a quick and effective brand response on social media are more likely to recommend that brand to others, compared to just 19% of customers who do not receive a response.

    At the same time, personalisation is also important for new business prospects. By having the right information at hand, the sales team can identify and turn leads into actual sales.

    Having quick and easy access to the necessary information is therefore critical, especially as sales teams are becoming more and more mobile. With the BYOD trend set to grow even further, an increasing number of employees need tools that work across devices and are true enablers. Modern CRM solutions make personalised data available at the employees' fingertips wherever they are, from all mobile devices.

    Four steps for success with big data in 2015
    Turn data into power

    Information is powerful when it is meaningful and insightful. CRM is recognised as a technology that can provide real-time analytics and personalisation of the customer base. It allows data to be 'big enough' to provide important insights but at the same time 'small enough' to be manageable, accessible and meaningful.

    Businesses that are proactive and forward-thinking will make the most of the potential that CRM solutions offer and will use personalised data to gain competitive advantage.

    Henning Ogberg is Executive Vice President Worldwide Sales at SugarCRM



  • The benefits of AI in CRM

    The benefits of AI in CRM

    AI has the power to liberate organizations from CRM-related manual processes and improve customer engagement, sales insights, and social networking, for starters.

    Customer relationship management systems have become indispensable tools in running business operations. In an always-connected and increasingly digital business world, manually-updated CRMs can quickly become unwieldy drags on office productivity and efficiency. This makes CRM platforms prime use cases of how companies across industries can leverage solutions using artificial intelligence technology. 

    There are still several misconceptions about AI. Fundamentally, AI is about understanding the importance of data analysis and how we can train machines to synthesize, analyze, and act on data as a human being could. At its core, AI technology is about liberating the human mind from mundane tasks.

    The most common misconception about AI is that it is synonymous with automation, but in fact it’s so much more. The only shared elements between AI and automation are the reliance on data and the goal of streamlining convenience. To liken AI to automation beyond those commonalities is to ignore the greater elegance of an AI system. Whereas automated systems must be manually configured to execute monotonous, repetitive tasks, AI systems are independently adaptive once they have data to process, meaning that they learn as they go without continuous monitoring.

    Thus AI has the power to liberate organizations from manual processes connected to the CRM system. Having built businesses in the AI space for years, most recently with AI solutions at Introhive, I can attest to a number of key advantages AI brings to CRM systems. I’ve outlined three big ones below.

    Better customer engagement

    Because AI solutions reduce the burden of data entry and other time-consuming administrative functions, teams have greater bandwidth to help customers and prospective customers. AI technology greatly assists with customer service and support functions as well. Chat and email bots ensure that customers get quick answers and direction. New AI technologies analyze voice and text in real time to help agents most effectively serve prospective and existing clients.

    An often overlooked consequence of AI-assisted customer engagement is improved employee engagement. If an employee can be freed from the more time-consuming administrative responsibilities of their role, they can focus on the more meaningful aspects of their jobs: creative thinking, problem solving, and client support. Improved employee satisfaction and retention tends to follow.

    Keener sales insights

    Having a centralized record of clean customer sales data and communications means better sales forecasting and clearer insights into how deals were won or lost. AI integration ensures that your CRM captures customer data in the desired format using document, image, and speech recognition technologies. Just as better fuel quality leads to stronger engine performance on the road, capturing high-quality data is crucial for accurate and insightful AI predictions, which in turn strengthen business operations. 

    High-quality customer data and accurate, AI-driven predictions also have important implications for how teams are organized to manage various accounts. Utilizing an AI application is effectively like giving a data scientist to each staff member to make sense of disparate business data that would otherwise be lost or delayed in analysis. 

    Smarter social networking

    This last point, smart networking, is of particular interest to me as I’ve spent the past decade thinking about the intersections of technology and human relationships. While new technologies are often criticized for making social interactions less authentic, I’ve long championed the power that technology has to strengthen connections and relationships, especially in business.

    Introhive specializes in AI-driven relationship intelligence to better understand one’s client base and branching networks of prospective clients and referrals. AI integrations mine CRM platforms for transactional data, social contacts, and communication history. This information is then collected, grouped, analyzed, and distributed automatically so teams have insights about best engagement practices with customers, vendors, and other stakeholders.

    As companies emerge from the pandemic and try to further capitalize on the gains made in virtual networking over the past year and a half, I foresee greater adoption of AI integrations across businesses, especially within the CRM market. 

    Author: Jody Glidden

    Source: InfoWorld

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