17 items tagged "IT "

  • 5 Predictions for Artificial Intelligence in 2016

    AIGet ready to work alongside smart machines

     At Narrative Science, we love making predictions about innovation, technology and, in particular, the rise of artificial intelligence. We may be a bit too optimistic about the timing of certain technologies going mainstream, but we can’t help it. We are wildly optimistic about the future and genuinely believe that we have entered a dramatically new era of artificial intelligence innovation. That said, this year, we tried to focus our predictions on the near-term. Here’s our best guess as to what will happen in 2016.

    1. New inventions using AI will explode.

    In 2015, artificial intelligence went mainstream. Major tech companies including Google, Facebook, Amazon and Twitter made huge investments in AI, almost all of technology research company Gartner’s strategic predictions included AI, and headlines declared that AI-driven technologies were the next big disruptor to enterprise software. In addition, companies that made huge strides in AI, including Facebook, Microsoft and Google, open-sourced their tools. This makes it likely that in 2016, new inventions will increasingly come to market from companies discovering new ways to apply AI versus building it. With entrepreneurs now having access to low-cost quality AI technologies to create new products, we’ll also likely see an explosion in new startups using AI.

    2. Employees will work alongside smart machines.

    Smart machines will augment work and help employees be more productive, not replace them. Analytics industry leader, Tom Davenport, stated it well when he predicted that “smart leaders will realize that augmentation—combining smart humans with smart machines—is a better strategy than automation.”

    3. Executives will demand transparency.

    Business leaders will realize that smart machines throwing out answers without explanation are of little use. If you walked into a CEO’s office and said we need to shut down three factories, the first question from the CEO would be: “Why?” Just producing a result isn’t enough, and communication capabilities will increasingly be built into advanced analytics and intelligent systems so that these systems can explain how they are arriving at their answers.

    4. Artificial Intelligence will reshape companies outside of IT.

    AI-powered business applications will start to infiltrate companies other than technology firms. Employees, teams and entire departments will champion process re-engineering efforts with these intelligent systems whether they realize it or not. As each individual app eliminates a task, employees will automate many of the mundane parts of their jobs and assemble their own stack of AI-powered apps. Teammates eager to be productive and stay competitive will follow, along with team managers who are looking to execute on cost-cutting efforts.

    5. Innovation labs will become a competitive asset.

    With the pace of innovation accelerating, large organizations in industries such as retail, insurance and government will focus even more energies on remaining competitive and discovering the next big thing by forming innovation labs. Innovation labs have existed for some time, but in 2016, we’ll begin to see more resources devoted to innovation labs and more technologies discovered in the labs actually implemented across different company functions and business lines.

    2016 will be a big year for AI. Much of the work in AI in 2016 will be the catalyst for rapid acceleration of the development and adoption of AI-powered applications. In addition and perhaps even more significant, 2016 will bring about a major shift in the perception of AI. It will cease to be a scary, abstract set of ideas and concepts and will be better understood and accepted as more people realize the potential of AI to augment what we do and make our lives more productive.

    Source: Time

  • 6 Ways to improve the intelligence of your business

    6 Ways to improve the intelligence of your business

    Business Intelligence (BI) once was a luxury used by corporations and enterprises who invested in a team of data scientists and IT specialists. Modern technology and software tools have made it possible for anyone to increase their BI value within their organization. Small and medium-sized businesses can use the same tools without investing a lot of time or money. Here are some ways to increase the value of your business intelligence.

    Spread it across your organization

    Where is Business Intelligence needed in your organization? Which part of your organization should you focus on? Is it something you should use for a single department or as a company-wide tool? These are common questions for businesses of all sizes.

    BI is mostly used by executives of enterprises and large corporations. In several others, it’s an important sales department tool. Companies who use BI aren’t getting the most out of their BI efforts. Business Intelligence is effective in any department within your organization if you allow it to be. The organizations who get the most out of their BI investments use it across their entire organization.

    Make it proactive

    Business Intelligence is just another form of data visualization. It helps you understand data and make better business decisions. It can become proactive once you understand your businesses’ triggers. Automated alerts incorporate the use of multilayer lineage that can inform you when unusual changes are taking place with your data?

    If you want to increase the value of your BI, then set up automated alerts. They can come in the form of e-mail or SMS alerts when your data hits a certain threshold for example. This turns your BI from a reactive tool into a proactive tool. Automated alerts help you address issues as they arise.

    Incorporate self-service options

    When it comes to traditional BI, users request the reports they need. Then they wait for their IT team to create those reports. Depending on the efficiency of the IT team, this entire process could take several weeks. This process can be frustrating for both the IT group and its users.

    IT’s workload is endless with the number of requests they receive in a given day. This leads to slow turnaround times and frustrated users. To increase the value of your BI investment, you need to eliminate the old reporting process. You should give users access to self-service tools, so they can access these reports immediately. This eliminates the need for bothering the IT, department who can then pay attention to more important things.

    Automate everything

    Business Intelligence depends on the data that supports it. BI that has outdated or inaccurate data is worse than having no BI. Most organizations don’t understand that they can’t replace BI software with their existing data and create reports right away. This data must be consolidated into one place and formatted specifically for the BI tool that’s used.

    Businesses turn to manual processes to meet this need. Not only does this waste time, but it leads to human errors. About 90% of spreadsheets contain data errors. To invest in your BI, you should automate your data with a data warehouse and ETL tool. This can significantly reduce errors and save time processing data.

    Automated processes can help businesses optimize customer engagement and marketing efforts. There are automated tools for content marketing,nline donations, social media management, etc. This can free up time so you can focus on effectively meeting your business goals.

    Extend BI across all your devices

    Business Intelligence needs to keep up with the demands of modern technology. It should provide the data you need across all of your devices. Many organizations still access their data on their desktop computers. Thanks to mobile technology, you can determine how or when users will need access to important data.

    They can access the data on their smartphone or access a secure dashboard on their tablet for example. Or they may have to use a desktop computer or laptop. You can never determine which device they’ll use to access this data. Thats why you should extend BI across all devices.

    If you want to raise your BI to the next level, it must be accessible everywhere. You should be able to adapt to the devices it’s used. One way to increase your Business Intelligence efforts is to offer a mobile option for users. It will allow your employees to stay informed at all times.

    Make use of external data

    Business Intelligence allows you to create and run reports, and gather your insights over internal data. It can be used to answer questions about your organization’s internal profit, productivity, revenue, and other important factors. Most businesses aren’t aware of the goldmine of information used in external sources. You have more access to data more than you know.


    How can Business Intelligence help your business achieve its goals? If you combine your external data with your internal data, you can open up to new possibilities for your entire organization. This can add more information to your existing and potential customers. It’s imperative for brick and mortar businesses to make use of this information to increase marketing opportunities and to expand their customer base.

    Author: Philip Piletic

    Source: SmartDataCollective

  • 7 voorspellingen over IT in 2045

    HeroboticsDe kans is groot dat de wereld binnenkort niet alleen wordt bevolkt door miljarden mensen, maar ook door miljarden robots. De IT-industrie wordt het terrein voor bedrijven die programma's ontwikkelen voor deze robots. Net zoals de nu voor menselijke gebruikers ontwikkelde apps zullen deze 'robo-apps' te downloaden en te installeren zijn.

    De grenzen tussen robots en mensen vervagen. Bij transplantaties wordt gebruik gemaakt van elektronisch gestuurde kunstmatige organen en protheses. Nanorobots dringen diep in het lichaam door om medicijnen af te leveren bij zieke cellen of om microchirurgie uit te voeren. Speciaal geïnstalleerde houden toezicht op de gezondheid van mensen.

    Mensen in slimme huizen wonen, waar het meeste comfort volledig is geautomatiseerd. De software waarop het huis draait regelt het verbruik en de aanvulling van energie, water, voedsel en andere voorzieningen.

    Onze digitale alter ego's komen eindelijk volledig tot wasdom binnen een enkele, wereldwijde infrastructuur die in staat is tot zelfregulering en betrokken is bij het beheer van het leven op de planeet. Het systeem zal een beetje werken als het hedendaagse TOR; de meest actieve en effectieve gebruikers zullen moderatorrechten verdienen.

    Niet alleen saaie klusjes behoren tot het verleden – ook de productie van bepaalde artikelen zal niet langer nodig zijn. In plaats daarvan stellen 3D-printers ons in staat alles te ontwerpen en te maken wat we nodig hebben.

    De pc stond weliswaar aan de basis van de hele IT-revolutie, maar in 2045 zien we hem waarschijnlijk alleen nog in musea. De dingen om ons heen verwerken hun eigen informatie.

    Niet iedereen zal even enthousiast zijn over die mooie, nieuwe robotwereld. Waarschijnlijk zullen technofoben in opstand komen om zich te verzetten tegen de ontwikkeling van intelligente huizen, geautomatiseerde levensstijlen en robots.

    Bron: Automatiseringsgids, 22 Januari 2014

  • Benchmark Against Your Biggest Competitor — Yourself!

    As firms face growing competition for customers, they naturally seek to compare themselves with their peers and competitors, but there is a trap: Leaders don’t compare themselves.

    In the past, it was common to benchmark organizational performance against “industry averages,” and being “above average” was considered good. Today, “above average” is no longer good enough; fickle customers demand exceptional experiences. Delivering those experiences requires exceptional performance; anything less means that another company may steal your customers.

    When we talk with leading modern application delivery organizations, we find that new benchmarking trends are emerging, making traditional benchmarking less attractive. Why?

    • Benchmarking is for followers, not leaders. Organizations want to be “unicorns,” like the Etsys, Netflixes, Googles, and Salesforces of the world. They don’t want to be losing “horses.”
    • Most benchmarking approaches target the IT of the past, not BT. Benchmark methodologies and data were created and heavily used when software delivery capability was considered a cost, not a differentiator. In business technology, software is a key differentiator, and BT leaders want to be the best and continuously improve.
    • Agile, continuous delivery is less about standards and more about creativity and adaptation. Agile and CD have no set standards; 65% of expert firms using Agile mix and match various practices from various frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, and XP. One size does not fit all in terms of metrics; with no standard process, organizationstructure, or technology, it’s even harder to compare data between companies.

    So what do leading organizations do instead of benchmarking themselves against external organizations? They:

    • Compare where their company is to where their customers need them to be. Customer needs and satisfaction drive the comparison.
    • Analyze and use data in new ways. New metrics for AD&D, such as post-production metrics, are used in conjunction with more traditional preproduction metrics to drive the analysis. Talent metrics are used to decide how to assemble teams in the most efficient way.
    • Prioritize and improve performance. By analyzing value streams, teams uncover their most pressing improvement needs — not whether they are better or worse than external competitors. This drives much better alignment.

    with competitors anymore. Instead, they compare their current performance with where they need to be as a leader, and that’s what the business expects.

    Source: Forrester

  • BI professionals krijgen vaak het verkeerde gereedschap aangereikt

    gereedschapHeeft u weleens een schroef bevestigd met een hamer? Dat gaat misschien best goed, als u maar hard genoeg hamert. Maar of het echt handig is? Ook de moderne businessprofessional probeert tegenwoordig met alle beschikbare soorten gereedschap zijn werk te doen. Het motto daarbij? Eerst zelf proberen, dan pas de hulp inroepen van de IT-afdeling.

    De IT-afdeling zegt op zijn beurt alleen hamers te hebben – in alle soorten en maten. Er wordt geadviseerd de klauwhamer te gebruiken, want daarmee kun je schroeven in het hout slaan én er ook weer uithalen. Ander advies is om de schroeven meteen te vervangen door spijkers, want dan gaat het nog beter. Iedereen blij, toch? De businessprofessional is niet geheel overtuigd, maar gaat toch aan de slag met de hamer en de spijkers. Maar wat blijkt: de schilderijen vallen van de muur. Niet meteen, maar toch. Kennelijk waren de schroeven zo gek nog niet.Het punt dat ik wil maken?

    Dat businessprofessionals in de business intelligence-wereld (BI) vaak verkeerd gereedschap krijgen aangereikt voor het oplossen van hun dagelijkse vraagstukken. Gevolg is dat men zelf op zoek gaat naar nieuwe gereedschappen. Die zijn echter niet bekend bij de IT-afdeling, en krijgen daarom geen ondersteuning.Blijven IT-afdelingen vandaag de dag nog te veel op de stoel van de businessprofessional zitten? Terwijl die professionals hun eigen behoeften eigenlijk beter kennen, en niet alles meer hoeven te vragen aan de IT-afdeling? Is de verhouding tussen businessprofessionals en de IT-afdeling aan het veranderen, en verschuift de verantwoordelijkheid tussen business en IT?

    In bovenstaande figuur wordt de verantwoordelijkheid voor een (BI)-oplossing afgezet tegenover de gevraagde flexibiliteit van een (BI)-oplossing. Wat blijkt? De totale verantwoordelijkheid blijft gelijk, maar verschuift tussen business en IT. We zien hierbij de volgende drie belangrijke ontwikkelingen.

    1. Verschuivende verantwoordelijkheid

    Aan de linkerkant van de grafiek zien we de structurele oplossingen. Die vallen onder het (change)management van IT, kennen een sterke (standaard)structuur, zijn robuust, en de datakwaliteit en datadefinities zijn over het algemeen bekend. Aan de rechterkant zien we de flexibele oplossingen. Kenmerken: minder robuust, ze vallen onder beperkt management van IT en worden vooral door de business beheerd en ontwikkeld. Ook zijn de datakwaliteit en datadefinities nog in ontwikkeling, hebben de vragen een ad-hockarakter en zijn bronnen diffuus en tijdelijk. De presentatievormen zijn bovendien navenant, lichtvoetig en flexibel.
    Uit de grafiek blijkt dat de verantwoordelijkheid van business toeneemt naarmate de oplossing een meer ad-hockarakter heeft en dus meer flexibiliteit vereist. Daarentegen neemt de verantwoordelijkheid van IT toe naarmate de oplossing een meer structureel karakter kent. In totaal blijft de verantwoordelijkheid voor de oplossing gelijk, maar vindt er een verschuiving plaats.

    2. Structurele oplossing versus tijdelijke oplossing

    Daarnaast blijkt dat business en IT niet noodzakelijkerwijs dezelfde oplossing hoeven te leveren. Denk aan de hamer als structurele oplossing en schroevendraaier als tijdelijke oplossing. Beide oplossingen kunnen goed naast elkaar bestaan en onder management worden ingezet voor de best passende activiteit.
    Zo is een schroef een beter bevestigingsmiddel als je planken tijdelijk wilt vastmaken en wellicht later nog wilt verplaatsen. Echter, als je precies weet hoe je iets wilt maken dan kun je met spijkers een paar planken structureel aan elkaar bevestigen. De truc is dat beide oplossingen met elkaar samenwerken om tot de juiste inzichten te komen.

    3. Samenwerking

    In de meeste gereedschapskisten liggen zowel hamers als schroevendraaiers – een beetje klusser heeft ze allebei nodig. Uit de grafiek blijkt dat samenwerking extreem belangrijk is, juist op het scheidingsvlak tussen beide oplossingen. De kracht van een goede structurele oplossing wordt vaak onderschat en er wordt gemopperd op IT. De oplossing duurt te lang, is te duur, is niet flexibel en IT wil vaak ver van tevoren in drievoud weten wat gemaakt moet worden. Aan de andere kant wordt een tijdelijke oplossing vaak als overbodig en duur gezien. Terwijl het (laten) ontdekken van data, combineren van data, tijdelijk opzetten en weggooien van analyses door de businessprofessionals zelf ongelooflijk veel toegevoegde waarde biedt. Meestal komen de werkelijke behoeften pas boven drijven op het moment dat met de data wordt ‘gespeeld’. Door juist op dit vlak samen te werken, creëer je veel meer waarde met BI-oplossingen. Ook kunnen businessprofessionals en IT-afdelingen veel dichter bij elkaar worden gebracht dan nu het geval is.
    Kortom, het wordt tijd dat de BI-gereedschapskist gevuld wordt met een hamer én een schroevendraaier!

    Source: Executive People

  • Building blocks to help you create the best possible IT team

    Building blocks to help you create the best possible IT team

    There are three key attributes high-functioning IT team members share that are identifiable in your initial interviews: Desire, willingness, and "teachability".

    There’s been a lot written about the importance of teamwork over the years. Entire books (and for some writers, entire careers) have been based upon what it takes to create synergy among disparate team members. But what business leaders often neglect to highlight is the importance of bringing the right peopletogether as a first step to generating great teamwork. For so many disciplines, having the right talent in the room is the critical first factor in determining team success. And this is particularly true with information technology teams. Here’s why:

    IT is notorious for being over time and over budget. The reason almost always boils down to not having the right people on the job, because IT departments often dive straight into assembling teams from a project idea rather than from a project description. These are two very different things.

    Developing a detailed project description at the outset often makes the difference between a project capable of staying on time and on budget, and one that is not. Once you have a project description, it’s easy to identify the specific mix of job descriptions needed. If you dive into assembling the team before going through these two steps, you'll forever be trying to reverse-engineer the ideal IT project team, and that is a recipe for failure every time.

    The amount of time you spend thinking through the nuances of each job description will be rewarded by increased team efficiency in the long run. So, spend a lot of time and energy here, and you will be rewarded with a significantly higher functioning team. Once you have an accurate project description and accompanying job descriptions, it’s time to start recruiting your team. And when it comes to hiring, process beats personality seven days a week.

    What attributes does a strong IT team need?

    There are three key attributes high-functioning IT team members share that are identifiable in your initial interviews: Desire, willingness, and “teachability.”

    The key with desire is you aren't just looking for people who want to win, but that believe they are going to win no matter what. They don't get out of bed to lose. They may not know exactly how, but they’re confident they and their team are going to win. When you can find these people and surround them with others who have the same winning style and energy, you are going to get it done.

    When it comes to willingness, you have to identify individuals who you know have the conviction and strength of character to do whatever it might take to succeed (within ethical boundaries, of course). Look for potential team members who have demonstrated their ability to go beyond the ordinary to get a job done, including things that at first might seem counterintuitive, uncomfortable or even unbelievable. Project teams that include these individuals will exceed expectations.

    A third, less tangible attribute is what I call “teachability.” This may be the most difficult attribute to detect, but the most important to find. Team members must be naturally teachable, willing to change, and open to training and new ideas. If they are not, your team will face unnecessary slowdowns, and overall progress will be hampered.

    The right stuff, combined with collaboration and reward

    Even a team armed with the right skills and attributes can fall victim to dissent and stubbornness. These are the progress killers you’ll need to eliminate and can be a challenge to avoid in a group of highly talented individuals. Dissention and lack of collaboration occur when someone must be right, and in IT "right" is not always an option. Teams that function without common goals struggle to overcome challenges, because self-centered motivators lead to dissention. 

    To keep a group of high-functioning individuals centered, you need to energize the team with a shared core goal that unifies everyone and everything. When problems arise, and they will, a unified core goal will provide the single touchstone needed to bring everyone back to center.

    In addition to helping keep everyone centered, establishing a core goal provides measurement and accountability that can be used to determine success and most of all, rewards. We all know that financial incentives, while important, are not the greatest reward in the minds of IT professionals.

    The best way to reward project teams and employees is through something tangible, given with public recognition so others understand the value of the team. I don't care if it is an engraved plaque on the wall, a shirt with a cool logo, or a challenge coin. A unique keepsake reward combined with praise in front of colleagues goes a very long way. When you reward a team in this manner, team members walk away legitimately happy with something they don't want to toss aside or minimize, because it is an ongoing reminder of the recognition they received. 

    On their own, following these guidelines may not insure you’ll have a winning team project, but neglecting to follow them will absolutely guarantee failure. There is no other way to build a great IT team than by first looking for the attributes required to achieve your goal.

    Author: HK Bain

    Source: InformationWeek

  • Data als ingrediënt op weg naar digitale volwassenheid

    0cd4fbcf0a4f81814f388a75109da149ca643f45Stéphane Hamel deed op 21 januari de High Tech Campus in Eindhoven aan: dé kans voor een flinke dosis inspiratie door één van ’s wereld meest vooraanstaande denkers in digital analytics. Hamel lichtte op digital maturity day 2016 (#DMD2016) het Digital Analytics Maturity-model toe.

    Imperfecte data

    Volgens Stéphane Hamel is het verschil tussen een goede en een excellente analyst het volgende: de excellente analyst weet ook bij imperfecte data te komen tot beslissingen of zinvol advies. “Data will never be perfect, know how bad the data is is essential. If you know 5 or 10% is bad, there is no problem”, aldus Hamel.

    Analytics = Context + Data + Creativity

    Analytics klinkt als een vakgebied voor datageeks en nerds. Dat beeld klopt niet: buiten de data is het onderkennen van de context waarbinnen de data zijn verzameld en creativiteit bij het interpreteren ervan essentieel. Om data te begrijpen moet je vanachter je laptop of PC vandaan komen. Alleen door de wereld ‘daarbuiten’ mee te nemen in je analyse kun je als data-analist tot zinvolle inzichten en aanbevelingen komen.

    Hamel geeft een voorbeeld uit de collegebanken: toen een groep studenten de dataset van Save the Children uit 2010 te zien kreeg, dachten sommigen dat de factor 10 toename in websiteverkeer te danken was aan een campagne of toeval. De werkelijke oorzaak was de aardbeving in Haïti.

    Digital Maturity Assessment

    Het Digital Maturity Assessment-model is ontwikkeld aan de hand van de digitale transformatie van honderden bedrijven wereldwijd. Op basis van deze ervaringen weet Stéphane welke uitdagingen bedrijven moeten overwinnen op weg naar digital leadership.

    Digital Analytics Maturity SHamel

    Dit model kun je natuurlijk gebruiken om de eigen organisatie te benchmarken tegen andere bedrijven. De meerwaarde volgens Hamel zit echter in het ‘benchmarken van jezelf versus jezelf’. Het helpt kortom om het gesprek intern aan te gaan. Als je voor de derde keer van tooling switcht, ben je zelf het probleem, niet de technologie.

    Hamel geeft de voorkeur aan een consistente score op de vijf criteria van dit Digital Maturity Assessment-model: liever een twee overall dan uitschieters naar boven of beneden. De factor die meestal het zwakst scoort is ‘process’.

    Dit criterium staat voor de werkwijze om te komen tot dataverzameling, -analyse en -interpretatie. Vaak zit dit proces zelf helemaal niet zo slecht in elkaar, maar worstelen data-analisten om aan collega’s of het managementteam uit te leggen welke stappen ze hebben gezet. Hamel benadrukt daarom: “you need a digital culture, not a digital strategy”.

    Omhels de jongens van IT

    Geef IT de kans om jou echt te helpen. Niet door te zeggen ‘voer dit uit of fix dat’. Wel door IT te vragen om samen met jullie een probleem op te lossen. Hamel ziet digitale analisten daarom vooral als change-agents, niet als stoffige dataprofessionals. Juist die shift in benadering en rol betekent dat we binnenkort niet meer spreken over digital analytics, maar over ‘analytics’.

    Data is the raw material of my craft

    Hamel’s favoriete motto “data is the raw material of my craft” verwijst naar het vakmanschap en de passie die Stéphane Hamel graag aan het vakgebied digital analytics toevoegt. Stéphane’s honger om het verschil te maken in digital analytics werd ooit tijdens een directievergadering aangewakkerd. Hamel zat in die vergadering erbij als de ‘IT guy’ en werd niet serieus genomen toen hij met data de business problemen en kansen wilde benoemen.

    Dit prikkelde Hamel om, met steun van zijn baas, een MBA te gaan doen. En met resultaat: hij rondde de MBA af behorende tot de top 5 procent van alle studenten. Sindsdien opereert hij op het snijvlak van data en bedrijfsprocessen, ondermeer in het beurswezen en in de verzekeringsbranche.

    Digital is de grote afwezige in het onderwijs

    Hamel’s zeer indrukwekkende loopbaan tonen ondermeer een erkenning als een van ’s werelds weinige Certified Web Analysts, ‘Most Influential Industry Contributor’ door de Digital Analytics Association en mede-beheerder van de grootste community op Google+ over Google Analytics. Toch vindt Hamel zijn allergrootste prestatie het afwerpen van het stempel ‘IT’er’.

    Zijn grootste ambitie voor de nabije toekomst is het schrijven van een tekstboek over digital analytics. Er is veel informatie digitaal beschikbaar, maar er mist nog veel content in offline formaat. Juist omdat ook andere sprekers op #DMD16 wezen naar het achterblijvend niveau van onze HBO- en WO-opleidingen in digitale vaardigheden vroeg ik Hamel welke tips hij heeft voor het Nederlands onderwijs.

    In de basis dient volgens Hamel de component ‘digital’ veel meer als rode draad in het curriculum te worden opgenomen. Studenten dienen daarbij gestimuleerd te worden om de content zelf te verrijken met eigen voorbeelden. Zo komt er in cocreatie tussen docenten, auteurs en studenten steeds betere content tot stand.

    De belofte van big data en marketingautomatisering

    Hamel ziet zeker in B2B de toegevoegde waarde van marketing automation. Je relatie met klant en prospect is immers meer persoonlijk. Marketingautomatisering wordt echter soms foutief ingezet waarbij email wordt ingezet om de indruk te wekken van een persoonlijke, menselijke dialoog. Hamel: “I still believe in genuine, human interaction. There is a limit to how you can leverage marketingautomation.”

    Digital Maturity bron PREZI Joeri Verbossen

    Het grootste probleem bij de succesvolle introductie van marketingautomatisering is dan ook ook de maturiteit van de organisatie. Zolang deze niet voldoende is, zal een softwarepakket altijd vooral een kostenpost zijn. Een cultuuromslag moet plaatsvinden zodat de organisatie de software als noodzakelijke randvoorwaarde beschouwt voor het kunnen uitvoeren van de strategie.

    Dezelfde nuchtere woorden gebruikt Hamel over de belofte van big data. Al te vaak hoort hij in bedrijven: “We need Big Data!” Zijn antwoord is dan: “No, you don’t big data, you need solutions. As long as it does the job, I’m happy.”

    Source: Marketingfacts

  • Data management: building the bridge between IT and business

    Data management: building the bridge between IT and business

    We all know businesses are trying to do more with their data, but inaccuracy and general data management issues are getting in the way. For most businesses, the status quo for managing data is not always working. However, tnew research shows that data is moving from a knee-jerk, “must be IT’s issue” conversation, to a “how can the business better leverage this rich (and expensive) data resource we have at our fingertips” conversation.

    The emphasis is on “conversation”, business and IT need to communicate in the new age of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Interactive Analytics. Roles and responsibilities are blurring, and it is expected that a company’s data will quickly turn from a cost-center of IT infrastructure to a revenue-generator for the business. In order to address the issues of control and poor data quality, there needs to be an ever-increasing bridge between IT and the business. This bridge has two component parts. The first one is technology, which is both sophisticated enough to handle complex data issues but easy enough to provide a quick time-to-value. The second one is people who are able to bridge the gap between IT systems/storage/access items and business users need for value and results (enter data analysts and data engineers).

    This bridge needs to be built with three key components in mind:

    • Customer experience:

      For any B2C company, customer experience is the number one hot topic of the day and a primary way they are leveraging data. A new 2019 data management benchmark report found that 98% of companies use data to improve customer experience. And for good reason, between social media, digital streaming services, online retailers and others, companies are looking to show the consumer that they aren’t just a corporation, but that they are the corporation most worthy of building a relationship with. This invariably involves creating a single view of the customer (SVC), and  that view needs to be built around context and based on the needs of the specific department within the business (accounts payable, marketing, customer service, etc.).
    • Trust in data:

      Possessing data and trusting data are two completely different things. Lots of companies have lots of data, but that doesn’t mean they automatically trust it enough to make business-critical decisions with it. Research finds that on average, organizations suspect 29% of current customer/prospect data is inaccurate in some way. In addition, 95% of organizations see impacts in their organization from poor quality data. A lack of trust in the data available to business users paralyzes decisions, and even worse, impacts the ability to make the right decisions based on faulty assumptions. How often have you received a report and questioned the results? More than you’d like to admit, probably. To get around this hurdle, organizations need to drive culture change around data quality strategies and methodologies. Only by completing a full assessment of data, developing a strategy to address the existing and ongoing issues, and implementing a methodology to execute on that strategy, will companies be able to turn the corner from data suspicion to data trust.
    • Changing data ownership:

      The responsibilities between IT and the business are blurring. 70% of businesses say that not having direct control over data impacts their ability to meet strategic objectives. The reality is that the definitions of control are throwing people off. IT thinks of control as storage, systems, and security. The business thinks of control as access, actionable and accurate. The role of the CDO is helping to bridge this gap, bringing the nuts and bolts of IT in line with the visions and aspirations of the business.

    The bottom line is that for most companies data is still a shifting sea of storage, software stacks, and stakeholders. The stakeholders are key, both from IT and the business, and in how the two can combine to provide the oxygen the business needs to survive: better customer experience, more personalization, and an ongoing trust in the data they administrate to make the best decisions to grow their companies and delight their customers.

    Author: Kevin McCarthy

    Source: Dataversity

  • Data management: compliance, protection, and the role of IT

    Data management: compliance, protection, and the role of IT

    The business benefit of data and data-driven decisions cannot be undervalued, which is a widely agreed-upon mindset on today’s business landscape. At the same time, there are sensitivities around where that data comes from and how it’s being accessed or used. For this reason, data protection and privacy are the driving topics in today’s age and, for enterprise companies, essential to remaining an ongoing business concern.

    To ensure regulatory compliance and generate business value, any data coming into an organization needs to be confidentially handled, trusted and protected. Modern businesses also want their products to be cloud deployable, but many businesses have security concerns that come with sharing information in the cloud. It’s crucial that when you use data, you also protect it, preserve the integrity of original personal ownership and, maintain the privacy of the person to whom it belongs at all costs.

    The first level of data protection is to not collect personal data if there is no legitimate purpose in doing so. If personal data was collected and a legitimate purpose no longer exists, it must be deleted.

    The second level of data protection can be realized through a framework of technology measures: Identity and access management, patch management, separation of business purpose (disaggregation of legal entities), and encryption.

    IT teams often provide data in an encrypted format as a means to get people the information they need, without compromising sensitive information. People receiving the data don’t usually need to know every bit of data, they just want an aggregate of what the data looks like. And IT teams want to ensure that when they transfer important data assets, the information is secure.

    Additionally, when it comes to being data compliant, there are rules and regulations that businesses must follow, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data protection and privacy agreements.

    GDPR harmonizes data protection regulation throughout the European Union and gives individuals more control over their data. It imposes expansive rules about processing data backed by powerful enforcement, so IT teams must ensure they are compliant. This creates an extra, guaranteed level of security for corporate and personal data, though it’s not without its complications for enterprises.

    Concretely, this means that companies have to technically ensure that only necessary sets move through ‘boundaryless’ end-to-end business scenarios. Here, we consider efficient data control in and through the context of comprehensive business processing for a declared purpose that is legally secured, including by consent of the individual that the data is related to.

    The business context and its technical rendering through customizing and configuration is central to the business capability of efficiently controlling data for purposes of data protection and privacy. Integrated services provide business context by showing information contained in any one data set that is linked to ordered business objects and business object types related to the data subject.

    Here, we have offered an embedded view of the data subject, which can be uniformly changed and managed in the context of a logical sequence of business events.

    Data management capabilities

    To further protect data and stay compliant, many IT teams have started with the approach of applying data management capabilities to encrypt and anonymize data without actually changing the data set. IT simply changes the way data is presented to ensure data is safe.

    One recent example is the adoption of the GDPR rules to be compliant with the legal regulations. In this case the data management capabilities must ensure that only the allowed data is shown and that protected personal data is hidden or deleted (information lifecycle management) without destroying required information and connections.

    By transitioning to what we call an 'intelligent organization', businesses can feed applications and processes with the data essential for the digital economy and intelligently connect people, data and processes safely and secure.

    Solutions offer customers comprehensive in-depth information about the places where their master data exists, which parts reside in which services, applications or systems, and how the data can be accessed, or they can even get direct access. Moreover, a clear picture of the complete master data set and all individual owners can be obtained, including rules for creating data consistency. This provides overall consistency, and the robustness that is required in a service-driven enterprise environment.

    Tiered levels of access

    Another tactic way of keeping data secure is for IT to work closely with each line of business to set tiered levels of access by creating a workflow scenario for first, second, third, and so on, access by individual persons to data within a specific line of business.

    In contrast to the more traditional model outlined above, IT teams can offer a tiered approach to authorization. Users have limited access based on transaction codes, organizational levels, etc., by assigning authorization roles through different lines of business.

    Best practices for data compliance and protection

    Both approaches outlined above allow businesses to review their data to determine the real value of it without compromising the security of the data.

    Overall, it’s important that data compliance is not only a tech topic, but a topic that should be discussed, rolled out, and followed company-wide. As 2019 comes to a close, companies must have a data compliance program in place, a data protection culture within their organizations and the ability for employees to understand the importance of change processes and tools to adhere to the new regulations.

    Including such aspects from the beginning can be a competitive advantage for companies and should be considered at an early stage. Not adhering to data protection and privacy rules and regulation can cause tremendous damage to a company’s image and reputation and can have a heavy financial impact.

    Author: Katrin Lehmann

    Source: Information-management

  • How conversational AI tools can contribute to business performance

    How conversational AI tools can contribute to business performance

    Conversational AI tools have traditionally been limited in scope, but as they become more humanlike, businesses have realized their potential and applied them to more use cases.

    As is the case with other emerging branches of AI, the capabilities of conversational AI tools are systematically improving, thereby ensuring these tools are no longer relegated to simplistic queries and answers with consumers.

    Conversational AI is making its way into more types of applications, such as getting answers to customer service questions or checking HR policies. The most obvious use cases for conversational AI are chatbots or digital assistants that answer repetitive questions. However, augmented analytics platforms are also taking advantage of conversational AI to allow more people in an organization to interact with data. Instead of typing an SQL query, a business user can simply type a natural language query which is answered in natural language.

    Conversational AI is enabled by natural language processing (NLP) , specifically natural language understanding (NLU) to determine what a user is trying to communicate and natural language generation (NLG) to respond back to that person. It also uses machine learning to constantly improve its accuracy.

    One major criticism of conversational AI is that it doesn't understand human emotion, though that's changing. The more human AI appears and behaves, the less likely it is for an interaction to be escalated.

    Understanding the human factor

    Frustrated customers often change the volume of their speech to help convey their present state of mind. For example, a typed message may contain the use of all caps and exclamation points to express anger. By using semantics to understand the relationships of words and reinforcement learning, conversational AI is improving.

    "Conversational AI can comprehend human characteristics such as pauses, repetition, tone and even sarcasm," said Jason McMahon, digital strategist at Australian digital marketing agency Bambrick. "These are fundamental tools of human communication that conversational AI may quickly pick up on to make encounters more engaging for both customers and enterprises."

    Digital assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, demonstrate how mainstream conversational AI has become, though the results of such interactions can be spurious. While the mistakes are usually only mildly annoying from a consumer point of view, mistakes in a business context could be very costly, both monetarily and reputationally.

    McMahon said conversational AI applications can use NLP to understand sentiment by classifying customer behavior as positive, negative or neutral, which enables a chatbot to respond to the user appropriately. Still, many emotions are only shades of positive, negative or neutral and humans expect AI to understand those nuances.

    Context is critical

    What a person says or types can be easily misunderstood in the absence of knowing the user's context. However, one can infer a set of potential interactions depending on whether the person is using a retail app or a travel booking app, for example.

    Computer vision is also being used to identify behaviors and body language which provide additional context. While words are central to conversational AI, nonverbal clues can emphasize or even contradict what a person is saying. In short, the more information the AI has about a user at a specific moment in time, the more accurately it can determine what action to take.

    AI platforms are also gathering data that can be used for training. For example, sports and entertainment event ticketing company AXS realized its call center staff could no longer handle the massive backlog of questions, so the company decided to implement Satisfi Labs' conversational AI platform. Satisfi's AI assistants learn from the shared knowledge gathered from 350 customer organizations using the platform. Ultimately, AXS managed to reduce live escalations to 6% of all traffic and saved about $900,000.

    Right-sizing conversational AI to suit the use case

    Authenticx, another conversational AI platform provider, analyzed 50,000 customer interactions to better understand and improve customer experience in healthcare. It discovered the following:

    • On a daily basis, 25% of healthcare customers are stuck in their customer journey.
    • It costs an average of $323,000 monthly to resolve those disruptions.
    • Healthcare organizations face $3.8 million in average annual costs related to agent time and resources.
    • A single client was responsible for 60% of status check calls about claims and general treatment.

    With this insight, both complaints and billing statement-related costs can be significantly reduced.

    In cybersecurity-related use cases, security and IT analysts rely on conversational AI applications "heavily," according to Anurag Gurtu, chief product officer at StrikeReady. Specifically, conversational AI is being used to deal with alerts and incidents.

    "Conversational AI in cybersecurity goes beyond knowledge search to include hundreds of tasks and operations," Gurtu said. "Among the benefits customers can expect include enhanced ROI on IT and security investments; improved security; lower operating costs; and increased speed, accuracy and scale."

    As the world becomes increasingly digital, conversational AI applications will become even more common. The more humanlike and accurate an interaction with a machine is, the more humans are inclined to trust it.

    Author: Lisa Morgan

    Source: TechTarget

  • Oshkosh: het succes van een klantgerichte IT-strategie

    Het bedrijf Oshkosh zal niet voor iedereen bekend in de oren klinken, maar het is een grote multinational die wereldwijde zware voertuigen produceert. Oshkosh bestaat uit verschillende business units die ieder hun eigen doelgroep kennen, zoals defensie, brandweer, industrie, media, sleepdiensten, betonindustrie en vliegvelden. Er zijn onder meer fabrieken in Frankrijk en Engeland. De jaarlijkse omzet telt zo'n 8 miljard euro.

    Toen de Indiër Anupam Khare in april 2018 CIO werd van Oshkosh was hij al snel onder de indruk van het strategische planningsproces van het leiderschapsteam, en hij wilde IT hier graag een meer integraal onderdeel van maken.

    Het OLT (Oshkosh Leadership Team) begint dit proces door de algemene visie en strategische doelstellingen van het bedrijf te herzien. Om de nieuwe visie en doelstellingen te realiseren, sluit het team aan bij belangrijke bedrijfsbrede strategische initiatieven. Strategische initiatieven bestaan o.a. uit het mogelijk maken van een people first culture, aftermarket groei en operational excellence.

    Zodra de OLT de strategie en doelstellingen van de onderneming heeft herzien, ontwikkelen de leiders van elk van de vier segmenten van Oshkosh (Access, Commercial, Defense en Fire & Emergency) individuele strategische plannen die de algemene strategie van Oshkosh ondersteunen en integreren.

    "Omdat elk bedrijfssegment zijn eigen strategie ontwikkelt om te integreren met de algemene Oshkosh-strategie, heb ik besloten om hetzelfde te doen voor IT", zegt Khare. "Ons doel is om IT te runnen als een business, dus IT moet dezelfde strategische planningsprocessen volgen als onze bedrijfssegmenten", aldus Khare.

    Strategische IT-planning gekoppeld aan business planning

    Khare heeft een IT Strategy Board gevormd, waarin ook zijn IT-leiderschapsteam een aandeel heeft. Samen bekeken zij de strategische doelstellingen van elk bedrijfssegment in een zoektocht naar gemeenschappelijke kansen waar IT de bedrijfsstrategie mogelijk zou kunnen maken of verbeteren en uiteindelijk significante bedrijfswaarde zou kunnen toevoegen.

    De IT Strategy Board heeft deze gemeenschappelijke kansen omgezet in een algemene IT-strategie, met de volgefnde elementen:

    • People first - Het verbeteren van de digitale fitheid van het bedrijf, met een specifieke focus op klantgerichtheid.
    • Het runnen van IT als bedrijf, dat wil zeggen het leveren van kwaliteitsproducten en -diensten tegen marktprijzen.
    • Moderniseren en innoveren van de huidige infrastructuur en het applicatieportfolio.
    • Het leveren van geavanceerde mogelijkheden met een focus op analyse, digitale productie en kunstmatige intelligentie.
    • Beveiliging en ontsluiting van informatie, een dubbele focus op informatiebeveiliging en gebruikerservaring.

    Khare en zijn leiderschapsteam zijn vervolgens in gesprek gegaan met de OLT en de presidenten van de verschillende bedrijfssegmenten met de vraag: "Is deze strategie bevorderlijk voor de agenda van het bedrijf als geheel en voor uw business in het bijzonder?

    het antwoord was bevestigend. Met de support voor hun IT-strategie, begonnen met de betrekking van de tweede lijn van IT-leiderschap. "We hebben een workshop georganiseerd om de strategie te herzien en aan te passen op een meer granulair niveau," zegt Khare. "Het proces stelde ons in staat om een buy-in te creëren met zowel onze business stakeholders als met het bredere IT-team''.

    De implementatie van de IT-strategie

    Nu de IT-strategie op meerdere niveaus en in verschillende teams is duidelijk was, was het tijd voor de uitvoering. Om de strategie aan de IT-organisatie te communiceren, gebruikte Khare een driemaandelijks plenaire sessie waar alle 450 IT-teamleden aanwezig waren en een samenwerkingsplatform waar IT'ers elkaar kunnen vragen naar specifieke cases, strategieën of projecten.

    "We rollen de strategie trapsgewijs uit van de CEO naar elke IT-medewerker, ongeacht hun titel of functie," zegt Khare. "Ons doel is dat onze strategie geen PowerPoint is; het is echt.

    Om de strategie echt te maken, integreert Khare deze strategieën nu in specifieke prestatiemanagement doelstellingen voor zijn team, dat alleen tijd en middelen zal investeren in projecten die deze doelstellingen bevorderen.

    Om de digitale fitnessdoelstelling (#1 op bovenstaande lijst) te halen geven alle IT-leiders van Oshkosh digitale oriëntatiecursussen voor hun teams bijvoorbeeld. Voor het runnen van IT als bedrijf gebruikt elke leider nu een "business value dashboard" om een business-gerichte conversatie met hun stakeholders te faciliteren. Om te moderniseren en te innoveren, stimuleert het team initiatieven die variëren van software-gedefinieerde netwerken (SDN) tot ERP-upgrades. Voor geavanceerde mogelijkheden ontwikkelen ze een productoptimalisatiemodel en voor het beveiligen en mogelijk maken van informatie bouwt het team betere gebruikersinterfaces voor desktopbeveiligingstools.

    Om ervoor te zorgen dat alle Oshkosh werknemers de verbinding tussen de Oshkosh ondernemingsstrategie en IT begrijpt, sprak Khare op het wereldwijde congres van het bedrijf. "Mijn rol is om drie dingen te communiceren," sprak Khare. "Hoe onze IT-transformatie jouw business zal helpen slagen, hoe we jouw leven gemakkelijker gaan maken en hoe IT geobsedeerd is door de behoeften van onze klanten, zowel binnen als buiten het bedrijf", aldus Khare.

    De connectie tussen de bedrijfsstrategie en de IT-strategie

    Om de link tussen de business als geheel en de IT-strategie te verstevigen, brengt Khare ook de leiderschapskenmerken van het directiecomité in zijn IT-leiderschapsteam in. Dit zijn:

    • Nederigheid: "Onze CEO en senior leadership team worden gedreven door de waarde die ze creëren, niet door persoonlijke agenda's", zegt Khare. "Nederigheid is een van de eigenschappen die ik zoek in mijn IT-leiders. We spreken elkaar aan als we zien dat ego's in de weg zitten."
    • Oprichtersmentaliteit: ''The founders mentality: how to overcome the predictable crises of growth, door Chris Zook en James Allen, aan al zijn IT-leiders. "We geven een gevoel van eigenaarschap en persoonlijke betrokkenheid bij het succes van onze bedrijven en vermijden de complexiteit en bureaucratie die ons kan afremmen," zegt hij.
    • Klantenobsessie: "In IT hebben we onze focus verlegd van het voldoen aan onze SLA's naar het inleven in en het leveren van waarde aan onze zakelijke partners en onze klanten," zegt Khare. "Klantenobsessie speelt een belangrijke rol in de manier waarop we prioriteit geven aan investeringen", aldus Khare.

    Tot slot deelt Khare het volgende advies voor alle CIO's die op zoek zijn naar een gepassioneerde, strategische en klantgerichte IT-organisatie:

    "Breng niet je eigen team en strategie van je vorige bedrijf mee. Werk met business en IT leiders van bovenaf en van onderaf om een nieuwe aanpak en strategie te ontwikkelen. De strategie en cultuur van elk bedrijf zijn verschillend''.

    "Betrek uw team zodat ze deelnemen aan de creatie van de strategie. Ontwikkel een strategie samen met uw mensen, leg de strategie niet aan hen op".

    "Creëer een op waarde gebaseerd merk voor IT. In mijn team hebben we het nooit over SAP of Microsoft. We hebben het over de tevredenheid van onze klanten".

    Auteur: Martha Heller

    Bron: CIO

  • Recommendations for CIOs making the shift to a different industry

    Recommendations for CIOs making the shift to a different industry

    From preparing for the hiring process to excelling in a new industry, IT leaders who have successfully switched to a new industry shed light on what it takes to make the shift.

    Technology today has become the fulcrum for achieving business goals. With enterprises across industries increasingly realizing the value of IT, career opportunities abound for CIOs willing to make the switch from one industry to another. Doing so can provide financial gain, but there are other compelling drivers for IT leaders to make the shift — as well as unique challenges for ensuring success.

    Rajiv Batra, for instance, worked in the telecom industry for over a decade before making the switch to Mumbai-headquartered media and entertainment conglomerate The Times Group, as its Group CIO in 2016.

    “Professionally it’s very satisfying and lends you the confidence that you can manage IT in any business set up,” says Batra, whose telecom work included roles at Bharti Airtel, Reliance Communications, and MTS as corporate VP and chief architect, president of IT, and CIO, respectively. “Such a move also fortifies a CIO’s standing in the industry as a risk-taker. The level of challenge and the amount of learning that come from working in a new industry are humongous.”

    For Gyan Pandey, who quit the pharmaceutical sector after more than seven years to join consumer durables company Voltas as its chief digital officer, there were both personal and professional reasons.

    “It was difficult to keep shuttling between work as the global and group CIO at Aurobindo Pharma in Hyderabad and my family in Mumbai. Besides, the pharma sector is extremely regulated, which leads to a very slow pace of technology adoption. I was doing lots of proofs-of-concepts, but the actual implementation wasn’t happening. Professionally, I wanted a more fulfilling role, which made me look for other options,” says Pandey.

    Whatever the reasons  personal, professional, or financial  switching industries is never easy. Enterprise IT leaders need to properly weigh the challenges before taking the leap. 

    For those interested in making the shift, here are some important takeaways about winning the new role and quickly making your mark in the new industry from CIOs who have been there and done that.

    Proving you’re ready for the leap

    Each industry has its specific challenges, business goals, and expectations from the CIO, and IT leaders should be prepared to address these through several rounds of high-powered interviews during the hiring process.

    In the fast-moving consumer durables market, parameters such as cost cutting and return on investment (ROI) are important. In February 2022, Nitin Dhingra, heading the digital initiative at two-wheeler manufacturer Hero MotoCorp, joined as chief digital officer at sanitaryware company Hindware. One of the questions he was asked in the interview when he changed his industry was how he delivered ROI on IT projects.

    “It is tough to deliver ROI in the manufacturing industry. I shared a few case studies, which showed how I pulled the plug on certain projects that didn’t meet earlier assumptions. I also communicated how I converted some projects that were delivering moderate results into more successful ones. Responses to such questions automatically reflect not only the candidate’s technical knowledge but also whether he/she is a leader, follower, or somewhere in between,” he says.

    For Vinod Bhat, who spent 28 years in the technology industry at IT services and consulting company TCS before taking over as the CIO of Vistara Airlines in 2021, demonstrating global experience and the ability to handle large implementations were key.

    “You need to articulate how are you different and what do you bring to the table,” says Bhat, whose tenure at TCS enabled him to “work with CXOs of 15 different industries to drive digital transformation in their organizations.”

    In addition, Bhat had the advantage of global exposure. “I have held leadership positions in the US, Europe, Canada, the UK, and APAC geographies for over 15 years, and managed large projects that included taking care of margins, driving business benefits for customers, and ensuring delivery,” he says. “Working in different countries also gave me an understanding of different cultures and enabled me to drive multi-cultural teams.”

    Arvind Singh, chief technology and product officer at real estate company Puravankara, underscores the importance of leveraging your peer network when attempting to shift industries.

    “Before facing the interview, one should understand the profile and structure of the organization, the challenges that the company is facing, and what are the expectations of the leadership from this role,” says Singh, who made the switch to realty after six years in the retail industry. “I spoke to my CIO friends in real estate to understand the business and its challenges. Besides reading the annual reports and whitepapers, I also tried to understand the thought process of the leadership by watching their YouTube videos and interviews in the pink papers.”

    Singh adds that switching his domain after every five years or so also worked in his favor, as it “showed that I am a risk-taker and a go-getter.”

    Addressing the technology gap

    For any new CIO post, organizations often seek candidates experienced with their specific technology stack. IT leaders switching industries may come under a little more scrutiny given the industry leap they are already making. Here, doing your research and emphasizing process are key, says Pandey, who encountered this situation while interviewing for Voltas. At Aurobindo Pharma, he had worked on Oracle ERP whereas Voltas leveraged SAP ERP.

    “It shouldn’t be a problem for any technology leader with 15 to 20 years of experience in convincing the interviewer. Understanding business processes is more important than understanding technology. While implementing various technologies across an organization, seasoned IT leader become a part of every business process. Regular audits, which show gaps in business processes, further help a CIO in enhancing business process effectiveness,” says Pandey.

    To convince Voltas, Pandey took a straightforward approach: “I told them about the various business pain points that I had overcome in the pharma sector, and I was aware of the technologies available in the market that could do the same for their industry also, which I could prove after joining them. The board saw merit in what I said,” he says.

    Strategies for succeeding in a new industry

    Getting hired is only half the battle won. To win the other half, a CIO must adjust to the new industry and start delivering as soon as possible, often within the first 90 days. Here are some strategies that CIOs adopted to prove that they were the right fit for the new industry.  

    Invest time in understanding the business and technology

    Most companies have intensive induction processes, and a new CIO should make the most of this time to get acquainted with the business and technology environments of the organization, Bhat says.

    “I spent the initial settlement period in one-on-one meetings with the top management. This helped me in getting insights into the history of the company’s strategy, projects, and programs,” he says. “Besides getting a grasp on the pain point of business, I also realized the difference in the approach to technology.”

    Whereas TCS had used off-the-shelf mainstream technologies, Vistara Airlines leverages SaaS solutions in a distributed manner, including industry-specific platforms. “The time that I invested listening to people brought me on the same page as the leadership,” says Bhat.

    Dhingra agrees with this approach and says, “The automotive industry has company-owned dealerships that sees exclusive visitors per day. We used to run analytics on the footfalls and get valuable information. However, this strategy could not have worked in Hindware, as the company had a multi-brand store-in-store marketing strategy and witnessed non-exclusive visitors. Spending time to know the dynamics of the business provides a much-needed context to the technology you aim to implement.”

    Similarly, Batra spent the first six to eight weeks getting to know various aspects of The Times Group, including editorial, distribution, sales, and printing. “While in MTS, the expectation was to launch services as-soon-as-possible for the revenue to come in. In The Times Group, the expectations were to take the 180-year-old company from legacy to digital. This could happen only once I had complete understanding of the business to get the core systems in place,” he says.

    Build consensus with the team and business leaders

    For a CIO who shifts from a technologically advanced industry to a legacy industry, there is scope to do a lot. Management, however, may not share the same urgency. CIOs are best advised to build consensus before throw their weight around.

    “At MTS, we were using data lakes, data warehouse, and analyzing millions of customer records on the fly. The billing happened through the CRM. Times Group, on the other hand, didn’t even have a CRM,” says Batra. Rather than impose his plans, Batra decided to demonstrate the value of IT to earn management’s trust. “I went for small wins first before hitting large goals.”

    Within six months of joining, Batra was able to stabilize The Times Group’s basic editorial workflow system. He also sold management on how a CRM could help advertisement sale and customer care. “In serendipity, deploying one helped us in regaining business fast after the pandemic,” he says.

    Having built consensus, Batra then went on to shape bigger projects, including implementing SAP HANA. He also deployed RPA across several departments; transformed the e-paper; and enabled digital payment through touch points that were not available earlier.

    Plan multiple activities with different timelines

    The grace period a CIO switching industries may have doesn’t last forever. “One starts feeling the heat sooner than later,” says Singh, who suggests an agile approach to manage expectations and deliver results fast.  

    “Instead of working on one big project with a big timeline, a CIO should work on several smaller projects in parallel. The aim should be to plan multiple activities with different timelines so that projects go live in a staggered manner and the management sees continuous action from the IT department in terms of process refinement, consolidation, and digital innovation,” he says.

    “When I joined Puravankara, a major ERP transition from Ramco to SAP was already in progress. While I ensured the rollout happened as scheduled, I maximized the time by automating several manual processes, conceptualizing how the entire CX journey could be digitized, and built a roadmap for new technologies such as AI and ML that could be leveraged to draw business insights and predictions,” says Singh.

    Never criticize your predecessor

    In getting up to speed, you may encounter gaps in the IT infrastructure, or find that several important technology implementations are troubled or pending. While it is easy to blame it on the outgoing CIO, one should avoid doing so.

    “The new CIO should realize that the predecessor took those decisions in different circumstances. Maybe the company didn’t consider IT as critical at that time or there could have been a budget squeeze,” says Pandey.

    “Look at the new organization as a clean slate. Draw a list of all critical projects and prioritize them. Understand the budget needed to implement them and sensitize the top management accordingly,” he says.

    And if budget is not allocated immediately? “Consider this as a blessing in disguise because it gives you time to set clear goals and prepare in terms of building the bandwidth for the projects,” Pandey adds.

    Enjoy the role

    Last but not least, IT leaders must be passionate about the new industry and role. A raised salary alone can’t be enough of a motivating factor. There must be a serious inclination to take up the new challenge.

    “I am very passionate about IT. The fast-moving consumer durables sector is growing steadily, and is now gaining momentum towards digital. I saw a lot of work and fulfilment for myself. I could start from scratch and satisfy my passion for building both the enterprise as well as satellite applications,” says Dhingra.

    “The business is already seeing a lot of transformation and IT must enable it to deliver more. This can become possible only when the technology leader enjoys the role and passes on positive vibes to the business and the digital team,” he says.

    Author: Yashvendra Singh

    Source: CIO

  • Sneller innoveren in IT? De belangrijkste overwegingen  

    Sneller innoveren in IT? De belangrijkste overwegingen

    Als de gemiddelde organisatie iets heeft geleerd van de coronapandemie, dan is het wel dat IT wel degelijk snel kan innoveren als het echt moet. Dat brengt echter ook meteen de volgende uitdaging met zich mee. Binnen organisaties verwacht men nu ook meer van de IT-afdeling. Dat gaat niet zomaar, al kan selective outsourcing een oplossing zijn.

    De gemiddelde IT-afdeling verzette aan het begin en tijdens de coronapandemie bergen werk. Dit was vaak een noodzaak om de organisatie aan de gang te houden. Mensen moesten ineens thuis kunnen werken of remote inloggen. De hiervoor benodigde infrastructuur is in korte tijd aangeschaft, ingericht en beschikbaar gemaakt. Dit gebeurde vaak in een fractie van de normaal benodigde tijd. Vanuit sommige organisaties komt nu de vraag waarom dat korte tijdbestek niet de nieuwe standaard kan zijn.

    Bij het analyseren van dit soort situaties kom je al snel tot de conclusie dat de hele keten sneller werkt. De IT-afdeling heeft een tandje bijgezet, maar in veel gevallen ook hier en daar wat bochten afgesneden om tot een snel resultaat te komen. Het maken van een implementatieplan en het uitvoerig testen van omgevingen om te zien of alles wel goed werkt, zijn vaak grotendeels overboord gegooide stappen.

    Tegelijk zie je dat bestuurders ook sneller beslissingen maakten. Een CIO wil normaliter onderzoeken en afwegen welke applicatie of infrastructuur het beste past bij de organisatie. Een CFO wil op zijn beurt een uitgebreide financiële onderbouwing. Hier gaat men in het bestuur dan ook nog menigmaal over vergaderen. Nu werden zij gedwongen om snel te beslissen, want de IT-afdeling had middelen nodig. Als de hele keten snel beslist, dan kan IT dus snel werken en daarmee ook snel innoveren. De vraag is alleen of je dat als nieuwe standaard kan vastleggen.

    Kan je in normale tijden ook sneller innoveren en beslissen?

    Binnen organisaties speelt nu de vraag of de nog op de plank liggende innovatieplannen ook sneller kunnen worden opgepakt. De IT-afdeling heeft laten zien dat het sneller kan, dus denkt men ‘vooruit met die geit’.  

    Veel processen vallen echter terug in oude patroon. De IT-afdeling gaat weer implementatieplannen maken en zaken uitvoerig testen voordat ze het uitrolt. Dat is ook belangrijk. Daarnaast moet men niet vergeten dat een IT-afdeling de nodige overuren draaide om tijdens de coronapandemie alles voor elkaar te krijgen. Die werkdruk kan je niet het hele jaar op je IT-afdeling leggen. Ook bestuurders willen weer vergaderen en opties afwegen, zodat ze uiteindelijk de beste keuze maken voor de organisatie. En ook dat kost tijd. Bij veel bedrijven zal het proces dus terugvallen in de oude gewoontes, al hoeft dat natuurlijk niet. Er is altijd een middenweg te vinden.

    Hoe kan je dan toch sneller blijven innoveren?

    De vraag naar meer innovatie verdwijnt niet zomaar. Bedrijven blijven zoeken naar manieren om toch sneller te innoveren. De IT-afdeling uitbreiden is de simpelste oplossing, maar mensen vinden is daarentegen de grootste uitdaging. De CIO zal om tafel moeten met zijn IT-afdeling om prioriteiten te stellen en te bekijken wat het bijvoorbeeld kan uitbesteden. Uitbesteden kan zowel intern als extern. Enkele te overwegen opties:

    • Als er nog veel applicaties ontwikkeld moeten worden, dan is het uitbesteden van de ontwikkeling aan een extern development bureau vaak een goede manier om de eigen IT-afdeling te ontlasten;
    • Bedrijven die grote moderne system of records applicaties gebruiken (CRM/ERP) kunnen tegenwoordig vaak citizen development toestaan binnen zo’n platform. Met de juiste monitoring en controle door IT kan dit succesvol zijn en snel winst opleveren. Gebruikers kunnen dan bijvoorbeeld zelf snel rapportages aanpassen of eenvoudige functies toevoegen;
    • RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is een goede manier om repetitieve taken binnen softwarepakketten die nu nog door mensen worden uitgevoerd te vervangen door software robots.;
    • Het inzetten van meer integratie is eveneens een goede manier om snel te innoveren. Als je verschillende applicaties binnen een organisatie met elkaar kan laten communiceren en data laat uitwisselen, kom je tot snel veel betere inzichten en oplossingen.

    Door voor dit soort oplossingen te kiezen ontlast je je interne IT-afdeling, zodat zij zich kan focussen op de core infrastructuur en de belangrijke grote projecten. Bijvoorbeeld het vervangen van grote legacy systemen die inmiddels een blok aan het been van de organisatie zijn.

    Het risico van sneller innoveren

    Met elke keuze zijn ook risico’s verbonden. Het ontwikkelen van applicaties door een derde partij moet goed gemanaged worden. Als zo’n partij geen duidelijke instructies krijgt, zie je dat er vaak een mismatch is tussen de eisen van de organisatie en het opgeleverde product. Citizen development kan uit de klauwen lopen als de controle niet goed is. Voor je het weet zijn er honderden aanpassingen gemaakt en is het overzicht verloren. Daar moet dus wel voor worden gewaakt. Verder is verstandig om citizen development te limiteren tot het platform zelf en het niet zomaar te laten integreren met oplossingen van derden of allerlei databronnen zonder dat hier controle over is. Op de lange termijn kan het beheren van dit soort verstopte integraties dan ook een hoofdpijndossier vormen.

    Integraties zijn daarentegen wel een goede manier om te innoveren. Door de data van het bedrijf uit de verschillende silo’s te halen en middels integraties samen te brengen, kunnen er betere analyses worden gemaakt. Het versnelt de innovatie in een organisatie enorm. Wat je echter vaak ziet bij veel bedrijven is dat ze inmiddels meerdere integratieplatformen hebben, of applicaties waarin integraties verstopt zitten. Zo bouwt de IT-afdeling vaak integraties in zelf ontwikkelde applicaties, binnen system of records-omgevingen is ook vaak ondersteuning voor integraties te vinden en tot slot gebruiken bedrijven vaak nog verschillende iPaaS-platformen.

    Selective outsouring kan een oplossing zijn

    Voor bedrijven die in deze situatie zitten kan selective outsourcing een oplossing zijn. Daarbij worden bepaalde functies of werkzaamheden uitbesteed. In plaatste van de IT-afdeling draagt de externe organisatie de verantwoordelijkheid. Je legt met selective outsourcing ook een grote verantwoordelijkheid bij je leverancier voor het proces dat je uitbesteedt. De leverancier is verantwoordelijk om het goed uit te voeren, maar ook beschikbaar en werkend te houden.

    Veel SaaS-leveranciers zijn een vorm van selective outsourcing. Je neemt als het ware een dienst af geleverd vanuit de cloud. De leverancier is verantwoordelijk voor het in de lucht houden, doorontwikkelen en patchen van de aangeboden dienst.

    We spraken recent ook met Enable U. Deze partij biedt een vorm van selective outsourcing om bedrijven goed te helpen innoveren. Enable U levert namelijk een volledige managed integratiedienst, of om alle begrippen erbij te trekken: managed iPaaS.

    Enable U kan binnen een organisatie de datasilo’s en applicaties met elkaar verbinden, waardoor meer innovatie mogelijk is. De data kan worden samengevoegd, geanalyseerd en er kunnen processen worden opgezet over meerdere applicaties en infrastructuren. Enable U neemt vrijwel alles uit handen en garandeert dat integraties blijven werken, allemaal zonder de IT-afdeling van de organisatie te belasten. Het zogenoemde selective outsourcing. Dit is anders dan een standaard iPaaS-oplossing. Bij reguliere iPaaS nemen bedrijven een tool om integraties te bouwen af. Vervolgens moet de IT-afdeling ermee aan de slag.

    Foutafhandeling schiet vaak te kort

    Doordat het managed is wordt het bouwen en creëren van integraties bij je interne IT-afdeling weggehaald. Dit scheelt waardevolle tijd die je interne IT-afdeling nu beter kan besteden. Ze zien bij Enable U vaak ook dat oplossingen betrouwbaar worden als zij aan boord komen en de integraties overnemen. In principe kan elke IT’er wel een integratie opzetten of bouwen, maar het is uiteindelijk ook echt een specialisatie. Er zit veel kwaliteitsverschil tussen integraties.

    Zeker onder druk bestaat een integratie vaak uit een workflow die bepaalde acties uitvoert. Op het moment dat de integratie wordt ontwikkeld werkt die. Eventuele foutafhandeling of het opslaan van data bij een mislukte actie worden vaak vergeten. Dat hoeft niet erg te zijn, maar als je cruciale processen of applicaties met elkaar verbindt kunnen de gevolgen groot zijn.

    Het kan uiteindelijk altijd gebeuren dat een systeem of datacenter tijdelijk onbereikbaar is. Als je integraties op dat moment worden uitgevoerd, dan kan de data niet worden afgeleverd of opgeslagen. Bij veel integraties verdwijnt de data dan gewoon. Met selective outsourcing is het de taak van Enable U om te zorgen dat de integratie altijd werkt, eventueel ook met een vertraging als een datacenter offline is. Als een datacenter offline is, dan wordt de data opgeslagen om op een later moment alsnog uit te wisselen of desnoods per e-mail bij de IT-beheerder aangeleverd.

    Draag de verantwoordelijkheid over

    Door je integraties via selective outsourcing uit te besteden hoef je als organisatie enkel nog maar aan te geven welke applicaties en data silo’s met elkaar moeten kunnen communiceren. Vervolgens draagt de leverancier de verantwoordelijkheid om die integraties te leveren en te blijven leveren. Voor bedrijven die enorm veel integraties hebben, is het ook mogelijk om enkel de cruciale integraties uit te besteden en daarnaast zelf een iPaaS-platform aan te houden voor minder cruciale processen.

    Wij vinden het belangrijkste argument om te kiezen voor selective outsourcing, dat de leverancier die het aanbiedt ook de volledige verantwoordelijkheid draagt om een oplossing te leveren en beschikbaar te houden. Dit inclusief aanpassingen, patches en het afhandelen van storingen. Op die manier heb je de garantie dat je de interne IT-afdeling ook daadwerkelijk ontlast. 

    Auteur: Coen van Eenbergen

    Bron: TechZine

  • The issue of employee reluctance when it comes to cybersecurity training

    The issue of employee reluctance when it comes to cybersecurity training

    Although 75% of all US and UK companies were exposed to cyber incidents in the past year, employees still hate cybersecurity training sessions. Considering most cyberattacks capitalize on human error, employee reluctance continues to play into the hands of malicious actors in the shadow of this avalanche of cyber attacks.

    Despite the overwhelming belief of cyber executives that their organizations have a solid security culture, recent data gathered by email security expert Tessian suggests that these leaders may be deluding themselves, revealing an unsettling gap between security experts and the rest of the business.

    Cybersecurity training is boring to most employees

    While 85% of employees participate in cybersecurity training or awareness programs, “How Security Cultures Impact Employee Behaviour” research revealed that 64% do not pay full attention, and 36% find their organization’s training about cybersecurity uninteresting. Do you know how businesses could utilize AI in security systems?

    The survey found that security leaders generally agreed on the recipe of good security culture, but Tessian said it was evident that those at the top still had a lot of work to do, given the stubbornly high incident counts.

    “Everyone in an organization needs to understand how their work helps keep their co-workers and company secure. To get people better engaged with the security needs of the business, education should be specific and actionable to an individual’s work,” said Kim Burton, Head of Trust and Compliance at Tessian.

    “It is the security team’s responsibility to create a culture of empathy and care. They should back up their education with tools and procedures that make secure practices easy to integrate into people’s everyday workflows. Secure practices should be seen as part of productivity. When people can trust that security teams have their best interest at heart, they can create true partnerships that strengthen security culture.” she added.

    The study demonstrated how cybersecurity training exercises, which frequently consist of brief PowerPoint presentations created by legal and compliance professionals without a true grasp of how people interact with instructional materials, have no overall positive effect on employees.

    For instance, only one in three respondents said they were satisfied with the communications from their IT or security team, and 30% of respondents said they didn’t think they had a personal role to play in keeping their company secure. Similarly, 45% of respondents didn’t know how to report a security incident or who to report it to.

    Over half of those surveyed claimed that behaviors including downloading apps to work devices, transmitting private information to personal email addresses, exchanging passwords among coworkers, and connecting to open or public Wi-Fi networks on work devices are not caused concerns.

    Over 40% of respondents said they didn’t see an issue with blatantly hazardous behaviors, such as reusing passwords, leaving business devices unattended or unlocked, downloading unsolicited attachments, or clicking links in emails from unfamiliar sources.

    Scaring people with cybersecurity risks doesn't solve anything

    The leadership’s propensity to utilize cybersecurity training to spread fear and uncertainty as a motivation appeared to be a significant source of estrangement.

    For instance, according to Tessian’s survey, 50% of participants reported having a “bad experience” with a phishing simulation, as shown by the 2021 account of a phishing test that went horribly wrong at West Midlands Trains.

    Many others clicked on the link in what appeared to be an email from corporate leadership explaining a thank-you bonus for workers who had endured the pandemic, only to be reprimanded for not being vigilant enough about security. Officials from the union called the stunt “crass and reprehensible.”

    Such strategies can “cripple employee decision-making, creative thought processes, and the speed and agility that businesses need to operate in today’s demanding world,” according to Marc Dupuis, assistant professor at the University of Washington Bothell, and Karen Renaud, chancellor’s fellow at the University of Strathclyde.

    Tessian listed five actions security leaders should do to improve employee understanding of cybersecurity protocols.

    For instance, security leaders must take a more active part in important touchpoints like onboarding, position or office changes, and offboarding during an employee’s “journey” with the company. According to Tessian, the onboarding of new employees offers a fantastic opportunity to grab people’s interest before they grow weary and bored, while more thorough and careful offboarding procedures can assist in preventing the loss of crucial data when a person departs.

    Establishing open lines of communication throughout the entire organization and paying close attention to how much information is shared, who it comes from, via what channels, and how frequently are other things that any security leader should be doing.

    Tessian provided four essential guidelines for accomplishing this successfully (page 28):

    • You must speak the same language as your employees to communicate effectively. That means stripping out the jargon, technical terms, and acronyms and only providing need-to-know information.
    • Tailor communications to specific people, teams, or departments to help everyone understand threats, consequences, and solutions. Data, real-world examples, and specific “what-if” scenarios can help you paint a clear picture.
    • Security teams should choose a cybersecurity awareness champion to deliver updates or requests and be the point of contact for all questions.
    • Develop a consistent format and cadence (for example, a monthly bulletin) to streamline communication and ensure employees have a source of truth to reference.

    Finally, there are technology solutions that, when wisely implemented, can support the organization’s development of cyber “self-efficacy.”

    Tessian’s research was created by OnePoll, which surveyed 2,000 US and UK-based employees, along with 500 IT security leaders.

    The research we examined today revealed why some cybersecurity training and awareness initiatives are far from being effective. However, none of this changes the fact that cyber attacks can bring a company down. 

    Author: Kerem Gülen

    Source: Dataconomy

  • The partnership between IT and Data Science

    The partnership between IT and Data Science

    Data science and IT no longer are separate disciplines. Think of it as a partnership.

    The data science world in its most puristic state is populated by parallel processing servers that primarily run Hadoop and execute in batch mode, large troves of data that these processors operate on, and statistically and scientifically trained data scientists who know nothing about IT, or about the requirements of maintaining an IT operation.

    While there are organizations that include data science specialties within IT and therefore have the IT management and support expertise nearby, there are an equal number of companies that run their data science departments independently of IT. These departments have little clue of the IT disciplines needed to maintain and support the health of a big data ecosystem.

    This is also why many organizations are discovering how critical it is to have data science and IT work hand in hand.

    For CIOs and data center leaders, who by necessity should be heavily involved in an IT-data science partnership, and what are the important bases that need to be covered to assure IT support of a data science operation?


    Two or three years ago, it was a basic rule of thumb that Hadoop, the most dominant big data/data science platform in companies, ran in batch mode. This made it easy for organizations to run big data applications on commodity computing hardware. Now, with data science developments like the move to more real-time processing of big data, commodity hardware is migrating to in-memory processing, SSD storage and an Apache Spark cluster computing framework. This requires robust processing that can’t necessarily be performed by commodity servers. It also requires IT know-how for configuring hardware components for optimal processing. Accustomed to a fixed record, transactional computing environment, not all IT departments have resident skills for working with or fine-tuning in-memory parallel processing. This is a technical area that IT may need to cross-train or recruit for.


    In the Hadoop world, MapReduce is the dominant programming model for processing and generating big data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster. Apache Spark processes in-memory, enabling real-time big data processing. Organizations are moving to more real-time processing, but they also understand the value that Hadoop delivers in a batch environment. From a software standpoint, IT must be able to support both platforms.


    Most IT departments function with a hybrid computing infrastructure that consists of in-house systems and applications in the data center, coupled with private and public cloud systems. This has required IT to think outside of the data center, and to implement management policies, procedures and operations for systems, applications and data that may be in-house, in-cloud or both. Operationally, this has meant that IT must continue to manage its internal technology assets in-house, but also work with cloud vendors that technology asset management is outsourced to, or work in the cloud themselves if assets are only hosted, with the enterprise continuing to manage them.

    Support for data science and big data in this more complicated infrastructure takes the IT technology management responsibility one step further, because the management goals for big data differ from those of traditional, fixed data.

    Among the support issues for big data that IT must decide on are:

    • How much big data, which is voluminous and constantly building, should be archived, and which data should be discarded?
    • What are the storage and processing price points of cloud vendors, and at what point do cloud storage and processing become more expensive than their in-house equivalents?
    • What is the disaster recovery plan for big data and its applications, which are becoming mission critical for organizations?
    • Who is responsible for SLAs, especially in the cloud world, when a big data production problem occurs?
    • How is data shuttled safely and securely between the cloud and the data center?


    Data scientists have expertise in statistical analysis and algorithm development, but they don't necessarily know how much or which data is available for them to operate on. This is an area where IT excels, because its organizational charter is to track all of the data in enterprise storage, as well as data that is incoming and outgoing.

    If a marketing manager wants to develop customer analytics that take into account certain facts that are stored internally on customer records, and also in customers’ purchasing and service histories with the company, and the manager also wants to know what customers are interested in by tracking customer activity on Websites and social media, IT is the most knowledgeable when it comes to determining all paths to achieving a total picture of customer information. And it’s the database group, working in tandem with other IT departments, that develops JOINS of data sets that aggregate all of the data so the algorithms data scientists develop can operate on it to develop truest results.

    Without IT’s expertise of knowing where the data is and how to access and aggregate it, analytics and data science engineers would be challenged to arrive at accurate insights that can benefit the business.

    IT support of the data science operation is a key pillar of corporate analytics success.

    IT enables data scientists to do what they do best: design algorithms to mine the best information from data. At the same time, IT is engaged in its best of class 'wheel house', knowing where to find the data and aggregate it.

    Author: Mary E. Shacklett

    Source: InformationWeek

  • Why agile IT will help organizations to overcome challenges

    Why agile IT will help organizations to overcome challenges

    Chief information officers’ focus should move to promoting a culture of agile thinking within IT and putting the priority on product-oriented projects.

    Speed and agility are key components of two central business challenges organizations face today: change and innovation.

    Meanwhile, there is an intensifying need to deliver continuous value, which has led to more and more pressure for overhauling IT for speed and agility. By responding quickly to these changes, chief information officers will be better able to adapt, with technology serving as a core element of the adaptation process.

    Ultimately, streamlining has the potential to improve employee performance by removing barriers and allowing teams to self-serve both within and outside IT with focus on outcomes. This means CIOs need to embrace Agile methodologies and bring everyone on board as a first step, which requires upscaling IT teams and engaging the business.

    Once the formal and informal mechanisms supporting those Agile practices are deployed, CIOs can start thinking about additional elements to streamline the delivery process.

    Deploying Agile Methodologies

    “Today, traditional IT project delivery is not fit for purpose,” says Antonio Vázquez, CIO at Bizagi. “These delivery models are far from new, Agile methodologies deployed through product-based delivery models.”

    He explains that these new delivery models are based on the minimum viable product (MVP) concept, which changes the whole concept of software development and relationships with business stakeholders.

    Vázquez adds that business requirements are gathered in a completely different way, initial deliverables are soon released, and the final product can be improved overtime. “That brings massive speed and agility to IT and the business through smaller functional pieces, faster testing and correction cycles and shorter deployments, among other benefits,” he says.

    For example, the cloud is one of the key enablers for fast and scalable deployments as is the use of low-code platforms and citizen developer programs which can improve communication with stakeholders and delivery speed.

    Moreover, automation can replace manual processes and free up resources, the use of DevSecOps allows infrastructure and security to be included in the product delivery by design, and open innovation platforms can facilitate the innovation process.

    Pressure to Streamline Building Externally, and Internally

    “Streamlining IT for agility is critical to business, and there’s not only external pressure to do so, but also internal pressure,” says Stanley Huang, co-founder and CTO at Moxo. “This is because streamlining IT plays a strategic role in the overall business operations from C-level executives to every employee's daily efforts.”

    He says that the streamlining of business processes is the best and most efficient way to reflect business status and driving power for each departmental planning.

    From an external standpoint, there is pressure to streamline IT because it also impacts the customer experience. “A connected and fully aligned cross-team interface is essential to serve the customer and make a consistent end user experience,” he adds.

    For business opportunities pertaining to task allocation and tracking, streamlining IT can help align internal departments into one overall business picture and enable employees to perform their jobs at a higher level.

    “When the IT system owns the source of data for business opportunities and every team’s involvement, cross team alignment can be streamlined and made without back-and-forth communications,” Huang says. “This creates full transparency on progress, overdue items, customer status, etc. so that teams can adjust resources and plan in real time.”

    Steve Watt, CIO at Hyland, says that for a CIO to streamline IT they first need to ensure their business stakeholders are up to speed on how their execution in that framework will function and where they will fit into that process.

    “This way, CIOs can have more accurate budget planning to have a full understanding of the costs involved in the situation and avoid wasted time and effort ensuring alignment with leaders,” he says.

    He explains that in the past, IT was often seen as the beginning and the end of digital initiatives, responsible for the selection, implementation, and ongoing support of all technology platforms. “That won’t scale today and stifles business; increasingly, a large population of employees that are technologists are embedded in the business,” he says.

    In turn, shifting to product-based delivery will help guide and coach the business in their use of technology and empower them to be able to drive their own processes without IT being the bottleneck to the speed at which they need to do business.

    Multiple Challenges to Streamlining IT

    From Huang’s perspective, there are two main challenges experienced as they relate to streamlining IT for agility. One is understanding every aspect of the business lifecycle in-depth from analyzing patterns to identifying bottlenecks. “From there, it’s necessary to choose a vendor and services, which can be overwhelming due to the vast number of technologies available in the market,” Huang says.

    Another challenge is defining the business’s own IT strategy based on target goals. “It’s necessary to be creative and foresee how your business can be digitized and transformed, as well as planning ahead accordingly and understanding the impact of streamlining IT operations on your business,” he says.

    Vázquez notes that additional challenges include the funding of traditional projects, which needs to be adapted to Agile delivery, while timing, schedules and resource allocation need to be adjusted and communicated across the organization

    “The concept of success is different in a traditional project and an Agile project with an MVP,” he says. “Project teams need to be resized and upscaled, and priorities must be addressed in a different way, as well as business requirements mapping, which requires a large amount of transparency.”

    Vázquez called these all “deep changes” that must be addressed, refined, communicated, and rewarded across the organization.

    Trying New Vendors, Maintaining Engagement Levels

    Huang advises that a deep analysis of the business’ current situation from multiple perspectives, including how streamlining IT efforts will impact the service model, team structure, execution capabilities and customer retention situation.

    From there, it’s critical to analyze which strategy for streamlining IT is best suited for business needs.

    “Be open to some new vendors, which may just recently be available in the market,” he suggests.

    He notes that the past several years has been the most active time for IT vendors to evolve, and many revolutionary solutions are just recently available to fit the latest business environment. “Being open to newer players in the space can present your business the chance to find some new ideas from them,” he says.

    Hyland’s Watt notes that it's important that all parties are on the same page of what needs to be done to create a better process for everyone.

    In product-aligned, Agile teams in IT, the product manager or owner roles can and should come from knowledgeable SMEs in the business units that align and support the “product” of each team. He says this level of engagement might come naturally to some departments within and organization and for others they may need extra coaching.

    “Ensuring this level of engagement provides clarity to the business and the product team on what is most important,” he says. “This way, IT teams can focus their efforts on high-value outcomes and waste less time prioritizing or rationalizing the work that needs to be done.”

    Author: Nathan Eddy

    Source: InformationWeek

  • Why it is key to teach your organization about data integrity

    Why it is key to teach your organization about data integrity

    Are you prepared for an attack on your data environment? A data integrity drill can determine the readiness of your enterprise to respond and recover.

    A lot has changed in the world of IT over the past decade. We have seen digital services move from being an important aspect of an organization’s operations to being fundamental to its business success. The scalability, flexibility, and other capabilities of cloud services have made these digital services (and the digital economy they have created) possible. We have also witnessed a massive rise in the number of ransomware and other types of cyberattacks -- attacks that exploit the growing value of data in this digital economy.

    These changes have made it more complex and more important than ever for IT to make their data environments resilient. In the past, IT could ensure their data environments were resilient if existing processes and technologies were sufficient to restore the enterprise’s on-premises infrastructure after a cyberattack.

    However, today IT needs to ensure that their sprawling, business-critical, hybrid-cloud data environments -- that now include dozens of SaaS applications and multiple cloud services as well as on-premises infrastructure and employee endpoints -- are protected against these threats as well as a growing number of increasingly sophisticated attacks.

    Practice to Play

    The technologies organizations need to ensure their IT is resilient -- strong perimeter security systems, high-availability cloud services, and robust data backup and recovery solutions -- are available. However, despite intuitive interfaces and automation features, using these technologies can be complicated and takes practice. IT teams that have not practiced using these technologies in response to simulated disasters are likely to find that when a real-world disaster does occur, it takes longer than expected to restore their data environment -- assuming they can restore it at all.

    Today, many organizations still practice for disasters as if all their applications were on site or that a natural disaster was the greatest possible threat to their data environment. Given the changes to their data environments and the types of disasters that threaten them, organizations need to rethink their preparations. One way is to implement regularly scheduled “data integrity drills.”

    During a data integrity drill, an organization simulates how it would use its data security, data protection, and other technologies to restore the integrity of its data environment after a data disaster. To properly implement such drills, organizations need to:

    • Build a data integrity team that includes everyone involved in addressing data disasters
    • Surprise these teams with a variety of data integrity drills
    • Create a culture that values data integrity so both the data integrity team and larger organization understand why they are investing significant time and other resources into these drills

    Data integrity drills enable organizations to confirm they have the skills, processes, and technologies in place to prevent or recover from the data threats or attacks they face today and gain the “muscle memory” they need to efficiently and effectively respond when a data disaster does occur.

    Building Your Data Integrity Team

    When a data disaster hits, your IT team members are not the only people called on to address it.

    For example, if the disaster is a cyberattack, your legal team will need to inform customers quickly if their data has been exposed by the breach or your business risks stiff regulatory fines. Human resources will need to communicate the implications of the disaster to your employees (and possibly your partners). Your IT team’s security and data protection professionals will need support from those on your IT team responsible for SaaS applications, cloud services, on-premises infrastructure, and other aspects of the data environment affected by the disaster to bring that environment back online.

    Before implementing data integrity drills, create a data integrity team that includes the IT, legal, HR, and operations teams as well as any other professionals who are responsible during an actual disaster. At the same time, the responsibilities for each of these consolidated team members need to be specified. In other words, you need to recruit your data integrity team and assign them their positions before you start the practice for the “big game.”

    Surprise Your Data Integrity Team with a Variety of Disasters

    When a real-world data disaster occurs, your data integrity team is not likely to be aware of the timing or nature of the disaster beforehand. Given this, although you might not want to schedule a data integrity drill for an extremely busy day or time for the company (such as the end of a quarter), the timing of the drill should remain a surprise to most of the data integrity team.

    Such drills should also vary so team members can practice responding to different kinds of disasters involving different aspects of their organization’s data environments -- everything from a natural disaster damaging a data center or a ransomware attack to a disgruntled employee destroying files on the way out. By mixing up the types of drills and making them a surprise, the drills will stress the organization’s existing disaster remediation and recovery processes and technologies as they would in a real disaster.

    This “surprise approach” will challenge your team’s skills, sharpening them and revealing where additional skills are needed. Such drills will also reveal if growing data sprawl has created weak spots or other cracks in your organization’s data integrity strategy, where certain applications, infrastructure, or other parts of the data environment are more vulnerable than others.

    Create a Culture That Values Data Integrity

    Your organization is likely to see pushback on the implementation of data integrity drills. Preparing to be on the data integrity team and conducting data integrity drills takes people away from their day-to-day responsibilities and reduces the time they can spend on other strategic projects.

    This is precisely why your enterprise needs to create a culture that sees data integrity as a core strategy, fundamental to the success of its business. This will require communicating to employees that the time they spend preparing for and conducting data integrity drills pales in comparison to the time they are likely to spend remediating a cyberattack or other disaster if they are unprepared.

    Take the Data Integrity Challenge

    Data environments today do not just serve as the nervous system for most companies’ daily operations. These environments also provide the data needed to predict customer behavior, improve operational efficiency, set corporate strategy, and improve business outcomes.

    This is why I would encourage all organizations to challenge themselves by testing their IT resiliency with at least one data integrity drill. Maybe your drill will reveal that you already have in place all the skills, processes, and technologies needed to protect your data crown jewels from any threat. More likely, the drill will expose skills you need, processes that can be improved, and technologies that need to be upgraded -- so you can fix these problems before a real disaster strikes.


    Source: TDWI

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